ReSPA and OECD/SIGMA invite Western Balkans governance initiatives which demonstrate adaptability and successful responses to COVID-19 crisis to apply, more information on ReSPA web page.
As of today, public sector institutions which demonstrate inspiring practices, initiatives, services and measures as a response to the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, are invited to apply for the Public Administration Award, unique ReSPA & OECD/SIGMA endeavour!
ReSPA and OECD/SIGMA have initiated PA Awards, aspiring to highlight the most effective and efficient practices among the Western Balkans governments.
Due to the pandemic, governments forced to be inventive and responsive to deal effectively with issues concerning both public health, public services and the economy. The Awards highlight government efforts that advance, promote and anchor innovative, effective, inclusive and adaptable tools and systems in the Western Balkans public administrations to deal with extraordinary situations.
Who can apply/be nominated?
An ideal candidate for the Award is a public sector institution at the national level from any ReSPA Member (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia) and Kosovo*. Also, public sector institutions at the sub-national and local level can apply in case there is proved connection (collaboration/partnership/transfer of knowledge) with a Public Administration institution at the national level. In the case of public-private partnerships, the lead nominee must be a public sector institution. Individuals cannot participate in the Award.
For more information about Contest Rules, click on the following link
How to apply?
To apply for the Public Administration Award (PAA) candidates have to submit their application in the PPA contest platform.
Evaluation process conducted by the International Jury
The entire process will be conducted by an International Experts Jury composed of highly-recognised international experts (ReSPA representatives or ReSPA-selected independent experts and OECD/SIGMA representatives or/and experts appointed by them).
• 1 – 24 July 2020: PA Awards Open Call for Applications
• 1 – 24 July 2020: Open Call for Engagement of Assessors
• 24 – 31 July: Administrative Check by Secretariat (ReSPA)
• 1 – 21 September 2020: PA Awards Evaluation Process – Assessors
• 21 September – 16 October 2020: Jury Engagement and Finalisation of the Process
• November 2020: PA Award Ceremony