More than 500 million dollars ready for BiH


Dnevni avaz: The Mission of the World Bank in BiH and the Directorate for Economic Planning (DEP) have done the analysis of economic situation in our country with the proposal of measures for its moderation. In that analysis it has been recommended to the domestic governments not to relax, because the crisis comes through a […]

Electronic booklets and cards by 2012.


Nezavisne novine: Through the strategy of development of health care by 2012. has been planned the introduction of electronic booklets and electronic cards, has been confirmed in the Health Insurance Fund of the RS. "Effects of the introduction of electronic booklets, besides others, are related to a higher and simpler availability of rights from health […]

Decision on increase of the RTV tax


At the session of the Management board of the Public RTV system of BiH, held on 20th of March, 2009. in Sarajevo, there has been adopted a Project of digitalization of micro-wave connections of public RTV services of BiH, has been notified from the RTV BiH. The project, which preparation has included a joint professional […]

Cancelation of website of the Mission of BiH in the UN


Nezavisne novine: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has yesterday sent the instruction to the Mission of BiH in the United Nations to close the website of the BiH Mission, which is on the official website of the UN. This has been confirmed in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of BiH (MFA) after it has been […]

Opening of the parliamentary library


Nezavisne novine: Igor Radojičić, the chairman of the National Assembly of the RS, and Ranko Risojević, director of the National and University Library of the RS, have yesterday in Banja Luka signed the Agreement on forming of the parliamentary library. The parliamentary library should start working as an information department of the National and University […]

Accises will bring 290 million KM more per year


Dnevni avaz: By imposing the new accises for cigarettes, coffee, alcohol and gas, governments of BiH will additionally collect at least 290 million KM per year. As it has been explained by a chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH, Nikola Špirić, 42% of tax will be paid on a retail trade price of […]

The Mission of BiH in the UN received a website


Oslobođenje: Bosnia and Herzegovina, a candidate for a non-permanent membership of the Council of Security of the United Nations, has finally received its website. The website has been sponsored and created by the American-Bosnian Foundation for Culture in United States of America, while design has been done by a company Ice-net from Sarajevo. This successful […]

Dismissal for 432 civil servants in the FBiH


Oslobođenje: From 2005. to 2008. in the Federation of BiH has been executed the audit in 461 out of 469 authorities of civil service, which proportionally is 98.7. 126 services have been controlled in Sarajevo, 100 in Zenica, 83 in Mostar, and per 76 in Tuzla and Livno, reports Fena. By deliberating the report of […]

For hiding the information – penalties up to 25.000 KM


Dnevni avaz: The state institutions which by now have not been ready for cooperation with media or citizens, by hiding the wanted information from them, could soon be punched by a wave of complaints and paying very high penalties for their indifference. This has been stipulated by changes of the Law on Freedom of Information […]

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