Dnevni avaz: The state institutions which by now have not been ready for cooperation with media or citizens, by hiding the wanted information from them, could soon be punched by a wave of complaints and paying very high penalties for their indifference. This has been stipulated by changes of the Law on Freedom of Information Access, by which, besides the previous provisions that each authority must deliver wanted information, there have been imposed the penalties in case they do not respect this.

These changes, which have been proposed by the representative Sefer Halilović, have already been sent to a parliamentary procedure and the Parliament of BiH will soon pronounce itself on them. Stipulated penalties are going from 1.000 to 25.000 KM, which will be paid by competent authorities, while a responsible person will pay from 200 to 10.000 KM.

– Media is often being faced by this problem, and we have also had many complaints of citizens that they have had problems with "silence" of the administration. Also, we expect that a work of the Investigation commission for determining the spending of donations will be eased by these changes – Halilović has said.