Part of the tax will be returned to citizens


Dnevni avaz: We have expected and still expect the problems in implementation of the Law on Income Tax of the FBiH. It about a very complicated law, much more voluminous than the Law on VAT, but the Tax Administration of the FBiH does everything to make these problems smaller. This has been said for "Dnevni […]

Connection of years of service for 48.500 workers


Oslobođenje: Yesterday, after the meeting of the Team for confirming the model for connection of years of pension to the workers, who have remained without job because of the bankruptcy or liquidation of company and because of not paying the contribution, the Prime Minister of the FBiH, Nedžad Branković has yesterday said that all conditions […]

All master offices in network by May


Nezavisne novine: All the master offices in BiH should be networked by May this year, which is one of the important pre-conditions for liberalization of visa regime. This has been confirmed yesterday in the Identification documents, data exchange and evidence agency of BiH (IDDEEA), former directorate of the CIPS, which from the end of last […]

Gregorian has cancelled the salaries to delegates


Dnevni list: The Supervisor for the Brčko District, Raffi Gregorian has instructed the cancelation of salaries to all the delegates in Brčko because of the inability of parliamentary delegates to elect the chairman and vice-chairman of the Assembly of the Brčko District, mayor and deputy mayor of Brčko. Gregorian has also instructed the staff of […]

Western Balkans: enhancing the European perspective – update 2009


The Commission's overview of EU regionally relevant activities in the Western Balkans 2008/09 published today highlights more than 90 concrete EU-supported activities and initiatives across a wide range of sectors implemented in 2008 and planned for 2009. Important steps towards visa-free travel to the EU, increased number of scholarships for studies in the EU, more […]

Thousands of employees have been dismissed because of crisis


Nezavisne novine: More than 1.000 employees in the Federation of BiH have been dismissed during January because of the economic crisis and have asked for assistance from the cantonal employment agencies. According to data of the Agency for work and employment of BiH, around 5.500 of dismissed employees have in December last year registered themselves […]

Seventh Session of the Par Fund Management Board


Seventh session of the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund will be held on Monday, February 2, 2009, starting at 11 o’clock, in the Public Administration Reform Office building, Vrazova 9, Sarajevo.   Proposed agenda of the session: 1.    Adoption of the Minutes from the sixth session of the Joint Management Board […]

Seventh session of the JMB PARF has been held


Present members of the JMB PARF have today approved the tender documentation for the project “Strategic communication” from the area of Institutional communication. The Terms of References "Development of system for coordinating the effect in structures of civil service in BiH" from the area of Human Resources Management and "Draft of development of central government […]

Most corruption in public administration and education


Dnevni list: The authorities of public administration and education are the institutions in which there was most corruption during the last year, has been shown by the report of the Advocacy and Legal Advice Center Transparency International BiH. Namely, out of 1354 complaints arrived to the address of this center, 25% of them are related […]

Forced pension for 6.500 civil servants


Little less than 6.500 civil servants in Romania will today go into the forced pension. It is about the civil servants who have fulfilled all the conditions for going into the pension, has been notified by the Romanian media. The Romanian Minister of Finance, George Podga has in the middle of January sent to all […]

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