Announcements for procurement of consultancy services


The Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office has announced the procurement of consultancy services for realization of the project "Draft of Administrative Decision Making in BiH Quality Improvement Programme" from the reform area of Administrative Procedure and the project "Design and Establishment of Interoperability Framework and Standards for Data Exchange" from the reform area of Information […]

Regional conference on the European integrations


In organization of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integrations of Croatia, on November 17th and 18th, the Regional conference on the European Integrations will be held in Zagreb. The conference will be focused on positive impacts of the exchange of experiences among the countries of the South-East Europe and their individual achievements regarding […]

By competitiveness BiH at the 107th place in the world


Dnevni list: BiH is by competitiveness at the 107th place in the world of possible 134, has been stated in report “World Competitiveness Network 2008-2009”, which has been made by the World Economic Forum. By competitiveness BiH was last year at the 106th place, while in 2006 from possible 122, BiH has been at the […]

Functioning of inspection has been arranged by the Law


Dnevni list: By the Draft Law on Administrative Inspection, which has been adopted by the Government of the RS, it has been prescribed that the public company, institution or other legal person who has public competences will be penalized by the penalty of 2000 to 10.000 KM if they do not let the administrative inspector […]

Procurement Notice: Project “Design and Establishment of Interoperability Framework and Standards for Data Exchange”


PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REFORM COORDINATOR'S OFFICE PROCUREMENT NOTICE         SERVICES Section I: CONTRACTING AUTHORITY I.1. OFFICAL NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTING AUTHORITY Organization: Public Administration Reform Coordinator's Office Contact person: Marina Kavaz-Siručić Address: Vrazova 9 Postal code: 71 000 Town: Sarajevo ID number: 4200334950020 Phone: 033/565-763 Fax: 033/565-761 E-mail: URL: I.2. […]

The most important lots of the Draft budget of the Institutions of BiH for 2009


Nezavisne novine: The Ministry of Defense of BiH will next year be able to spend around 384 million KM, which is additional 59 million KM in relation to this year, has been stated in the Draft budget of the Institutions of BiH, which has been adopted at the last session of the Council of Ministers. […]

Budget of BiH bigger by 237 million KM


Nezavisne novine:  The Council of Ministers of BiH has yesterday confirmed the Draft budget of the Institutions of BiH for the next year in a sum of 1.4 billion KM, which is an increase by 237 million KM in relation to this year. Preparations for population census are starting The Council of Ministers has at […]

Salaries have been reduced to all Government officials


Nezavisne novine: The Government of the RS has decided to reduce the salaries by 10%  to the Prime Minister, ministers and officials of all the Government institutions, has yesterday been announced by Anton Kasipović, the Vice President of the Government. This reduction has been planned in accordance with the Draft budget for 2009, but reduction […]

Kemal Čaušević: Slow solving tax frauds and customs


Nezavisne novine: The Prosecutor’s Office of BiH does not obstruct processing the cases of tax frauds and customs, but those are very complicated subjects, so they are solving them slowly, says Kemal Čaušević, director of the Indirect Taxation Administration of BiH (ITA). Čaušević, to whom the mandate of the first man of the Administration expires […]

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