Nezavisne novine: The Ministry of Defense of BiH will next year be able to spend around 384 million KM, which is additional 59 million KM in relation to this year, has been stated in the Draft budget of the Institutions of BiH, which has been adopted at the last session of the Council of Ministers. "The Indirect Taxation Administration of BiH will have additional 17 million KM, which is around 5 million KM less than planned, the State Investigation and Protection Agency of BiH (SIPA) around 15 million KM, which is less by about a million KM, and the Border Police of BiH around 10 million KM, which is by 3 million KM less than planned", has been stated in the Draft budget, which has been submitted by the Council of Ministers for adoption to the Presidency of BiH. By the adopted Draft budget, the total increase of 237 million KM, has been predicted for the next year, and only 117 million KM for domestic institutions. According to the first version of the Draft budget, which has been prepared by the Ministry of Finances of BiH, the total increase of the budget has been planned by 341 million KM.

Halilović: Budget for return scandalously small

The Minister for Human Rights and Refugees of BiH, Safet Halilović has the part of the budget related to the program of returning of refugees and immigrants, graded as scandalous, "which has been reduced 108 times in relation to this year". "For the program of return of the refugees and immigrants, 32.500.000 KM has been ensured for 2008, while by the Draft budget for 2009, only 300.000 KM has been predicted, which is smaller by 1% in relation to this year, or 108 times", Halilović has said. He explained that his Ministry has during proposing the budget for 2009 explained in detail the request for the sum of 94 million KM, which has been presented as a minimum of needs for return at an annual level. "So, the sum predicted in the Draft budget for 2009 is even 313 times smaller from necessary annual needs", Halilović thinks.

In the adopted and proposed version of the Draft budget for the external debt, additional 122 million KM has been reserved and the rest is for the local institutions. The difference of about 100 million KM between the planned and approved expenditures, the State Government has ensured, among the other, by rejecting the increase of the budget to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by about 8 million KM. Around a million KM has been saved in the lot for Information and Safety Agency (OSA), around 2.5 million KM for the Parliament of BiH, around 700.000 KM for BH MAC, and the Presidency of BiH and the Directorate for Civil Aviation half of million KM each. "Also, the Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees of BiH will have around 14 million KM in the budget for next year, which is about 27 million KM less than last year. The Directorate for implementation of the CIPS will next year have the budget reduced by about 4 million KM, the Central Election Commission by about 2 million KM, and the Ministry of Justice of BiH by about 1.8 million KM.

The budget of the State Agency for Electricity, has been reduced by about 2 million KM, which has also been the total budget for this year. "This agency in the next year will not have the budget funds", has been stated in the adopted draft budget. The chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH, Nikola Špirić, despite the significantly smaller budget than the planned, has said that the local institutions will not have any consequences. "We have to reach out for the internal reserves. I responsibly claim that the European path of this country, will not be endangered. The budget of BiH is not developmental, nor it is social, because those are the competences of entity", Špirić has said.


Planned increase for 2009.

Approved increase for 2009.

Ministry of Defense of BiH 50.469.594 KM 59.417.594 KM
State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) 16.411.521 KM 15.819.521 KM
Indirect Taxation Administration of BiH 23.352.536 KM 17.700.536 KM
Border Police of BiH 13.433.418 KM 10.726.418 KM
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of BiH 8.588.118 KM 0 KM
Information-Safety Agency of BiH 5.329.985 KM 4.790.985 KM
Service for Joint Affairs of the Institutions of BiH

4.880.281 KM

4.226.281 KM
Ministry of Security of BiH 3.022.703 KM 3.057.703 KM
BH Service for Affairs of Foreigners 2.897.156 KM 2.784.156 KM
Parliament of BiH 2.855.133 KM 419.133 KM
Veterinary Office of BiH 2.739.822 KM 2.132.822 KM
Center for Demining of BiH 2.590.429 KM 1.820.429 KM
Ministry of External Trade and Economic Relations of BiH 2.479.381 KM 2.361.381 KM
Pressidency of BiH 2.312.304 KM 1.744.304 KM
Ministry of Finance and Treasury of BiH 1.894.594 KM 1.483.594 KM
Directorate for Civil Aviation of BiH 1.826.942 KM 1.347.942KM
Secretariat General Council of Ministers of BiH 1.776.799 KM 1.581.799 KM
Agency for Statistic BiH 1.774.202 KM 1.659.202 KM
Ministry of Traffic and Communications of BiH 1.630.107 KM 1.324.107 KM
Commision for Preservation of National Monuments of BiH 1.094.019 KM 986.019 KM