Long-lasting tenders damage the companies


Nezavisne novine: Complete procedure of public procurements, from announcing the tender until the end of procedure, lasts from four to six months, which brings the public companies in a discriminative position, and losses are being bided not only by companies, but also the whole society, claims Bećarević, director of the "BH gas". "We have warned […]

Budget 1.56 billion KM


Nezavisne novine: The Government of the FBiH has at the yesterday's continuation of the session confirmed the Draft budget of the FBiH for the next year in the amount of 1.56 billion KM, which is by 270 million KM smaller than in this year, has been notified from the Government of the FBiH. "By the […]

Franchises to poor and unemployed


Nezavisne novine: Persons from BiH who receive a social assistance, unemployed and children without parental custody, will have a free legal assistance in civil procedures. This has been stipulated by the Draft Law on Free Legal Assistance, which has yesterday been confirmed by the Council of Ministers of BiH. "Providing of legal assistance will be […]

Recommendations of the OECD Council for improving the integrity in public procurements


Since the public procurements represent a key economic activity of the governments, and the international efforts to support the reform of public procurements were mostly focused on the promotion of competitive public bidding, with an aim to ensure a fair selection of supplier, the Council of the Organization for economic cooperation and development has given […]

Changes and Amendments to the Law on Civil Service in the Institutions of BiH


At the session held today, the Council of Ministers of BiH has confirmed the Proposal Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on State Service in the Institutions of BiH. The proposer, the Ministry of Justice of BiH, will deliver the Proposal Law for deliberation to the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH by a spontaneous […]

Municipalities are of a key importance for success of the Euro-Integrations


Dnevni avaz: 142 municipalities of BiH are of a key significance for success of the efforts BiH contributes in the process of the European integrations, has been said yesterday by the High Representative Miroslav Lajčak, by opening the conference "To understand the EU: Challenge for the local government" in the Sarajevo hotel "Radon Plaza". Parliament […]

Slovenia has ratified the SSA between the EU and BiH


ONASA: The Slovenian Parliament has tonight at the special session ratified the Stabilization and Association Agreement of BiH with the EU. This document the EU has signed with BiH on 16th of June, in the time of Slovenian presidency, and in October it has been ratified by the European Parliament as well. Slovenia is among […]

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