The introduction of CAF tools in the Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH has begun


In the previous two days, representatives of the PARCO held a basic training of the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) for representatives of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH. Namely, this European tool for quality management has been implemented in BiH by 22 public administration organizations so far, and the Ministry of Civil Affairs of […]

The pages of the new report of the European Commission on BiH’s progress in public administration reform will remain blank if key documents are not adopted


Today in the premises of PARCO, Coordinator for Public Administration Reform in BiH Dragan Ćuzulan, deputy Coordinators Darko Kasap and Ferid Otajagić and their associates held a working-consultative meeting with the Head of the Section for European Integration, Political Affairs, Public Relations and Information in the EU Delegation to BiH Mr. Krassimir Nikolov and his […]

Professional and depoliticized public service is key to efficient public administration


Improved legislative framework and merit-based human resource management practices at all administrative levels in BiH are basic conditions for the development of public administration that efficiently and professionally performs public functions and provides quality services to citizens. Nicolas Bizel, Head of Operations Section I (Justice, Home Affairs and Public Administration Reform) at the EU Delegation […]

Happy New Year 2022


The employees of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office wish you happy and successful upcoming holidays and the New 2022!

ReSPA and PARCO Closing Conference for the In-Country project


ReSPA and PARCO organized the Closing Conference within the In-Country project to present the key preconditions for improving the digital public services in BiH as they are defined in the Action Plan of the Strategic Framework for Reform of Public Administration 2018-2022. The event gathered more than 50 senior officials from the institutions at BiH […]

IX International Scientific Conference: COVID 19 challenges and consequences


The European University of Brčko District and the European University “Kallos” Tuzla are organizing the IX International Scientific Conference on COVID – 19 Challenges and Consequences on May 28 this year in Brčko. In the introductory part, scientists and experts from 17 different countries will be addressed by phd. Ferid Otajagić, Deputy State Coordinator for […]

BiH needs 60 million BAM for public administration reform


Judging by the action plan for public administration reform, it is necessary to provide 60.2 million BAM by the end of 2022, which is almost impossible, especially if we take into account that the Public Administration Reform Fund has more than ten million BAM, which due to they do not use the non-existence of a […]

An online panel on improving fiscal and budgetary transparency was held


The Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office and the BiH Ministry of Finance and Treasury, in cooperation with the Center for Civic Interest Representation – CPI Foundation, held an online panel today on improving fiscal and budgetary transparency, as part of one of the pilot projects of the Public Institutions Strengthening Program. Germany and the United […]

Happy New Year


The employees of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office wish you a successful and happy New Year 2021!

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