Wigemark: Inefficient public administration causes losses


The head of the EU Delegation in BiH, Lars-Gunnar Wigemark, said that the public administration in BiH and the countries of the region was not sufficiently efficient and that the consequences were losses in economy. “Because of such administrations, it is very hard to implement the reforms. The politicinas commit themselves to certain issues, but […]

Without a proper public administration of BiH, it is not possible to make it competitive in the processes of the EI


A scientific and expert conference “Public Administration Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina – priorities and challenges” was held today at the Faculty for Administration – associate member of the University in Sarajevo. The gathering was attended by eminent participants from the academic community, led by the rector, vice-rector and professors of the University in Sarajevo, […]

The Law on Public Private Partnership will be adopted at the level of the FBiH


The project of Public Private Partnership, which will be harmonised with the EU standards and the best European practices, is one of the most significant projects and is on the list of priorities of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office in the area of public finance management. – We are half way through the implementation […]

“Public Administration reform: meritocracy instead of partytocracy”


“Public Administration reform: meritocracy instead of partytocracy” was a title of the conference organised by the Centres of Civil Initiative (CCI) within a campaign To Capable – not party members, whose objective was depolitisastion and departysation of appointments and employment in the public sector in BiH. We deem that politisation of the managing positions in […]

Interview of the PAR Coordinator Dragan Ćuzulan on TV 1


Last evening, the public administration reform coordinator was a guest of the TV 1 Journal. The coordinator was speaking about signing of the contract for implementation of two projects from the field of public administration reform: “Building of Capacities for Combat Against Corruption in the Structures of Civil Service in BiH” and “Establishment and/or Strengthening […]

Regarding the public administration reform, BiH is the worst in the region


The public administration reform coordinator in BiH, Dragan Ćuzulan, evaluated the public administration reform in BiH as bad, stressing that the country urgently needs the reformed and efficient public administration. “The public administration reform in BiH is bad, and the outputs were not positive so far. What we currently do is an effort to correct […]

EU project contributes to strengthening environmental institutions in BiH


The closing event of the EU funded project “Strengthening of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Environmental Institutions and Preparation for Pre-accession Funds” (“EnvIS”) took place today at the EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), in Sarajevo. The project is part of the extensive EU support to the environment sector in BiH, including environmental infrastructure projects, in […]

New programmes of the European Union 2014 -2020 have been presented


Directorate for European Integration of BiH Council of Ministers, in co-operation with the EU-funded project " Capacity Building of Government Institutions to engage in policy dialogue with civil society in BiH" and "Support to participation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the new 2014-2020 Cycle of EU Programmes“ organized a seminar in Sarajevo today at which […]

Šego: Institutions of BiH do not have strategic plan of development or combat against corruption


Klix.ba: While addressing the members of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH the main auditor of the Audit Office of the Institutions of BiH, Milenko Šego has said that the systematic assistance of government institutions, especially the Council of Ministers of BiH, is required for implementation of government bodies’ recommendations in […]

From the report of the European Commission: Public administration reform process does not have required political support


It’s been said for BiH that it has reached a very limited progress, while Montenegro continues reaching political criterions sufficiently. Application of verdict in the "Sejdić-Finci" case remains the key for entering into force of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) BiH – European Union, has been concluded by the European Commission.   In the […]

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