In the Building of the President of the RS 10.9 million KM invested


Dnevni avaz:  By revision of the Financial Report of the Service of the President of the RS for 2007, the Main Service for Audit of the Public Sector of the RS established that earlier given recommendations were not executed, while some are still being removed, and that financial report is not giving fair and objective […]

Bevanda’s resignation was not accepted


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – Minister of finances of the FBiH, Vjekoslav  Bevanda, offered to the HDZ BiH resignation to the position of minister, because of his dissatisfaction with the relation the Government has with the Ministry he is leading. Information was confirmed by Bevanda himself, pointing out that the party which nominated him for minister […]

Law on Salaries adopted in a first reading


Nezavisne novine: The House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH adopted yesterday the Proposal of the Law on Salaries and Remunerations in Institutions of BIH, which stipulates that highest basic salary of 5.350 KM will be the one of the members Presidency of BiH and the president of the Constitutional Court of BiH. […]

Assembly of Brčko on Auditor’s Report


Nezavisne novine: BRČKO – MPs of the Assembly of the Brčko District criticized yesterday the Mayor, Mirsad Đapo, and the whole Government because of findings of the auditor’s report, which discovered that every day for “representation” alone only in Đapo’s  cabinet 900 KM was spent per day. “Instead of by criteria for division of money, […]

Commission for election of BiH auditors completed their job


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – Commission for election of main auditor and deputies yesterday completed lists of most successful candidates and directed them to the BH parliament, which will appoint new management of the Office for Audit of Business of Institutions of BiH. This was confirmed yesterday by Dušanka Majkić, deputy chairperson of this commission. She […]

10.000 regulations to be harmonised with the EU


Nezavisne novine: BANJALUKA – Bosnia and Herzegovina is obligated after signing the Stabilization and Association Agreement to harmonise with the legislation of the EU more than 10.000 regulations within six, at the latest eight years. “In order for a country to become a member of the EU, it has to have completely harmonized legislation with […]

The FBiH Threatened by Bankruptcy


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – After fulfillment of all obligations from the last year, in the FBiH, instead of planned 150 million KM, which were built into the budget for this year, there is only around twenty million left, which means that Federation is already now short of money, warns minister of finances of the FBiH, […]

Krndelj: Revision of identification cards needed in Brčko


Nezavisne novine: BRČKO – President of the HSS BiH – NHI Ivan Krndelj said that that party will request revision of all ID cards issued in the Brčko District. He stressed that in Brčko so far over 100.000 ID cards has been issued, of which, according to estimations of the HSS – NHI, is over […]

Memorandum for Better Overview over Finances


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – Commissions for Finances and Budget of the House of Representatives and the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH signed yesterday in Sarajevo with the Department for International Development of the Government of the Great Britain the Memorandum of Understanding on Technical Assistance to these commissions in strengthening of […]

Civil Servants Announced Strike


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – Civil servants and employees of 61 state institutions, around 22000 of them, will go on strike if the Council of Ministers and the Parliament do not meet their demands for increase in salaries by 25 per cent, announced leaders of union of these workers. “It is known that there is ongoing […]

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