Parliamentarians cost the state 700 thousand marks per year


Dnevni avaz: MPs and delegates in the Parliament of BiH, 57 of them, cost the state 700 thousand marks per year. These are data on expenditures for the last year, but this amount could be increased this year significantly. Numerous benefits Quotient for parliamentarians’ salaries is currently 8.4, and it is multiplied by the basis […]

The RS overtook the FBiH in the public administration reform


Večernji list: Although the BH authorities are boasting with the achieved progress in the public administration reform, official data gathered by the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office in BiH show that that process is unfolding rather slowly, especially in the FBiH. Action plan By the end of last year, only 18.43 per cent of the […]

One of the basic EU criteria BiH fulfills too slowly


Večernji list: Although the BH authorities are boasting with the achieved progress in the public administration reform, official data gathered by the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office in BiH show that that process is unfolding rather slowly, especially in the FBiH. Action plan By the end of last year, only 18.43 per cent of the […]

From this summer, the Government will meet without paper


Večernji list: The project of e-Government or electronic government, which is being established by the Ministry of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina, already entered the serious phase of accomplishment. Part of wide and comprehensive project, at the same time also the first to be implemented, is the project of “sessions without paper”, which, […]

BiH will not gain right to additional incentives


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – By signing the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the EU (SAA), BiH will not gain right to usage of additional financial support from the pre-accession funds of the EU, confirmed yesterday Osman Topčagić, director of the Directorate for European Integrations. “European Union created five instruments of pre-accession assistance. BiH today uses […]

Remunerations for work in the commissions limited


Dnevni avaz: The Ministry of Finances and Treasury of BiH established that again spectrum of various commissions is widening on the state level and immediately undertook restrictive measures for charging for work in them. This was confirmed for “Dnevni avaz” by Fuad Kasumović, deputy minister of finances. According to yesterday’s decision of the state Government, […]

Clerks and investigators cannot have the same salaries


Dnevni avaz: The Council of Ministers did nor reach a consensus yesterday on the Information of the Ministry of Finances and Treasury on the problem of financing of Institute for Missing Persons of BiH, whose employees for four months already did not receive salaries, neither they were paid the hot meal provisions or pension insurance. […]

Director of the RAC still not appointed


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – Chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH, Nikola Špirić, talked yesterday in Sarajevo with the head of the OSCE Mission to BiH, Ambassador Douglas Davidson, about the problem of appointment of director of the Regulatory Agency for Communications (RAC) Špirić informed Davidson that the Council of the RAC still have […]

CEC will have permanent accommodation


Dnevni avaz: Central Election Commission (CEC) of BiH, finally, by the end of this year should have a permanent accommodation in Sarajevo street Danijela Ozme, at number 7. That way, the state budget will be relieved of a burden of almost 40.000 KM of monthly rent, which is being paid from the money of tax […]

Without requests for decrease


Nezavisne novine:  SARAJEVO – Parliamentary Commission did not receive even one request for decrease of proposed salaries of MPs, delegates, members of Presidency and the Council of Ministers of BiH, which are supposed to amount at least 6.000 KM. This was confirmed by Lazar Prodanović, deputy chairman of the Commission. “So far we received requests […]

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