Republic of Srpska made a step forward


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – Fatima Fatibegović, minister for urbanism, building and ecology of the RS, estimated yesterday in Sarajevo that the RS, by adoption of the Spatial Plan by 2015 and by drafting the Law on Spatial Planning and Building, made a great step forward in BiH in the field of creating ordered space, stimulating […]

Talked about 275 million dollars


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – Nikola Špirić, chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH, talked yesterday with Marko Mantovaneli, head of the Office of the World Bank in BiH, on the status of 15 projects, totally worth 275 million dollars, which are currently being implemented in BiH. At the meeting there was also a discussion […]

Davis commended the progress of the RS


Nezavisne novine: BANJALUKA – Terry Davis, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, in a conversation with Zoran Lipovac, minister of administration and local self governance of the RS, in Strasbourg commended the visible progress the RS achieved in fulfilling the European standards. “Lipovac and Perica Rajčević, MP in the National Assembly of the RS, […]

Great part of the task will be done in June


Nezavisne novine: BANJALUKA – Milorad Dodik, prime minister of the Republic of Srpska, stated that all the tasks, which the international community imposed to domestic authorities as a condition for withdrawal of the OHR, could be fulfilled by the end of this year. “Already in June we will achieve three objectives – sign the Stabilization […]

They were issuing false identification cards


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO, BANJALUKA – Organized crime group, suspects for misuses of personal CIPS documents which were used in crime activities, was broken down yesterday in the area of Bijeljina, Banja Luka and Brčko District. As confirmed to the “Nezavisne”, in the operation of the members of the State Agency for Investigation and Protection of […]

Špirić: We are starting the boards for implementation of the SAA


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – The Council of Ministers of BiH will soon propose boards for implementation of the Stabilization and Association Agreement between BiH and the EU (SAA), which will be signed on June 16, confirmed yesterday the Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Nikola Špirić. “The Interim Agreement with the EU will be in […]

Affirmative evaluations for the progress of BiH


Dnevni avaz: Countries of west Balkans, including also Bosnia and Herzegovina, have a clear perspective of membership in the European Union. This was pointed out in the two day meeting on a high level, which was organized by the European Parliament in Brussels. Call for lobbying The Conference, attended by the highest officials of the […]

The EU prepares privileges for BiH


Nezavisne novine: BRISEL – The European Union is ready to provide a privilege to BiH in relation to other countries, by enacting the Stabilization and Association Agreement as early as in two weeks from its signature, which will be done on June 16 in Luxemburg. This, for the radio Deutsche Welle, was also confirmed yesterday […]

Forcibly collected 70.000 KM


Dnevni avaz: Inspectors of the Tax Administration of the RS in the procedure of forcible collection impounded from the owner of the enterprise “Alfa Co International” and “Alfa Motor Oil” from Laktaši, Dragan Jevremović, two caddy vehicles and motor oil, total worth 70.000 KM, Srna reported. From the Administration they said that Jevremović owes totally […]

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