The FBiH Government is finally moving into the “Elektroprivreda BiH” building


The Government of the FBiH will by the end of this month, by the Joint Affairs Service, publish the tender for adaptation of space in Sarajevo's "Elektroprivreda BiH", which should from the next year be the base of the executive government of the bigger entity of BiH. – All projects are ready and the works […]

5.3 billion Euros invested in BiH


Nezavisne novine:  The total foreign investments in BiH from May 1994. until the end of 2008. are 5.3 billion Euros, shows the data of the Foreign Investments Promotion Agency of BiH. The country which in that period has invested the most is Austria, with 1.46 billion Euros. Then it follows Serbia with 819 million, Croatia […]

Connection of years of service for 48.500 workers


Oslobođenje: Yesterday, after the meeting of the Team for confirming the model for connection of years of pension to the workers, who have remained without job because of the bankruptcy or liquidation of company and because of not paying the contribution, the Prime Minister of the FBiH, Nedžad Branković has yesterday said that all conditions […]

Thousands of employees have been dismissed because of crisis


Nezavisne novine: More than 1.000 employees in the Federation of BiH have been dismissed during January because of the economic crisis and have asked for assistance from the cantonal employment agencies. According to data of the Agency for work and employment of BiH, around 5.500 of dismissed employees have in December last year registered themselves […]

Most corruption in public administration and education


Dnevni list: The authorities of public administration and education are the institutions in which there was most corruption during the last year, has been shown by the report of the Advocacy and Legal Advice Center Transparency International BiH. Namely, out of 1354 complaints arrived to the address of this center, 25% of them are related […]

Milan Bandić forbade the Facebook


It has ringed of to the internet surfing in the Zagreb city administration! The chief of this metropolis, Milan Bandić has recently forbidden to city administration officials visiting the websites as Facebook and Youtube, but they cannot either visit porno sites or download music and movies from the internet, reports portal "The employees of […]

Forced pension for 6.500 civil servants


Little less than 6.500 civil servants in Romania will today go into the forced pension. It is about the civil servants who have fulfilled all the conditions for going into the pension, has been notified by the Romanian media. The Romanian Minister of Finance, George Podga has in the middle of January sent to all […]

BiH has taken over coordination of the “Bikon scheme”


Nezavisne novine: By signing the memorandum of the OSCE Mission, BiH has yesterday taken over financing and coordinating of the "Bikon scheme", whose goal is lifting the standard of work of municipal governments in BiH. The memorandum has been signed by the Minister of Local Governance and Self Governance of the RS, Zoran Lipovac, Minister […]

Electronic reporting on contribution payment


Oslobođenje: In the organization of the Association of banks of BiH, and in the context of application of the Law on Contribution Tax, there has been a meeting of the representatives of banks, the Ministry of Finance of the FBiH and the Tax administration of the FBiH. Goal of the meeting was to confirm the […]

BiH has received the budget for 2009.


Dnevni list: After two months of pausing in work, the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH has yesterday adopted the proposal budget of the institutions and international obligations of BiH for 2009. in the amount of 1.416 billion KM. For financing of institutions 1.035 billion KM has been stipulated, while the rest […]

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