It has ringed of to the internet surfing in the Zagreb city administration! The chief of this metropolis, Milan Bandić has recently forbidden to city administration officials visiting the websites as Facebook and Youtube, but they cannot either visit porno sites or download music and movies from the internet, reports portal

"The employees of the City administration are only allowed to visit those sites which are necessary for doing their job, for example, all the internet addresses of information content" has been explained today by the Zagreb mayor, Milan Bandić. Which city officials have most of time been “walking” the internet, is not known. Also, the first man of Zagreb has not yet found an adequate punishment for those who will despite of his prohibition, find a way to break this blockade and have fun at work.

"I have forbidden unlimited surfing because that is not a kind of work. I want my employees to be more effective" metropolis chief has said.

The mayor of Zagreb, Milan Bandić probably does not know that his profile has been present right on Facebook. Someone has, besides his wish, opened many profiles named by him. But, that is not all. First man of Zagreb also has his group on Facebook called “Sv. Milan Bandić” (Saint Milan Bandić) in which many members of this group are leaving messages in order for mayor to fulfill their wishes or help them somehow. In contrast to the group of fans, an unknown author has named Milan Bandić “the biggest thief in Zagreb”, and this group already has 110 members.