Tenth session of the PARF JMB has been held


At the session, which has been held today in Sarajevo, members of the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund have approved the changes in the Terms of Reference “Training of civil servants for application of information technologies by the ECDL standard” by including a change of the title of project into: “Training […]

Agreement on establishing the Regional school for public administration has been signed


On June 9, 2009 in the Embassy of Montenegro in Sarajevo, Minister of Justice of BiH, Bariša Čolak has signed the international Agreement on establishing the Regional school for public administration ReSPA, which will after the ratification of remaining countries ReSPA members inure at the end of 2009. By inuring of this agreement, the ReSPA […]

By the reform of administrative decision-making towards the more efficient administration


Smooth functioning of the decision-making system contributes to the reduction of tyranny of bureaucracy in executing public affairs, and ensures effectiveness, efficiency and predictability of public administration in providing services. This has been said by Nevenka Savić, National Coordinator for Public Administration Reform at the workshop "Harmonized administrative procedure in BiH – citizens and business […]

Openness of administration – key for the image improvement


Institutional communication is in the function of increasing the transparency and accountability of the government authorities towards citizens, which implies a two-way dialog as well, or the openness of government towards the impact and contribution of public on government policies. “Improvement of the administration image will surely depend on its openness. Without successful internal and […]

Announcement on service procurement


The Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office has published the announcement on service procurement for implementation of project:  "Budget Management Information System". Tender documentarian can be overtaken by July 3rd, 2009, each working day from 10:00 am to 04:00 pm in the Public administration reform coordinator’s office. Requests can be delivered in written form (by post […]

Students have visited the Coordinator’s office


The students of the Faculty for public administration in Sarajevo and the Faculty for Economy in East Sarajevo have on Friday (May 22, 2009) visited the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office. Nevenka Savić, National Coordinator for public administration reform has talked on obligations of the Coordinator’s office, implementation of measures from the Action plan 1 […]

Grades of the EC on implementation of the map of path


The European Commission has presented to the Member States the estimation on how Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia implement their maps of path on liberalization of visa regime. Updated estimates of implementation of the map of path for liberalization of visa regime represent a further step in the process of dialog on […]

Grades of the EC on implementation of the map of path


The European Commission has presented to the Member States the estimation on how Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia implement their maps of path on liberalization of visa regime. Updated estimates of implementation of the map of path for liberalization of visa regime represent a further step in the process of dialog on […]

Announcement on service procurement


The Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office has published two announcements on procurement of consultancy services for implementation of project:  "Draft of Administrative Decision Making in BiH Quality Improvement Programme" and "Development of Performance Management System in the Structures of Civil Service in BiH". Tender documentation for the pre-qualification phase for project "Draft of Administrative Decision […]

Interactive map data updated


In regards to marking of the Public Service Day, the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office of BiH has on Friday, June 26, 2009 organized the Open-door day for representatives of non-government sector in BiH. The spokesperson of the Coordinator’s office has informed he representatives of non-government sector on the public administration reform process, implementation of […]

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