53 IT managers from the civil service certified for management of IT projects and services


The conference on the occasion of completion of the project “Specialist Training Programme for IT Managers”, which was financed by the Public Administration Reform Fund, implemented by the Akademika d.o.o Sarajevo, was held today in Sarajevo. The project worth BAM 204,048.00 covered a total of 86 trainings, for three modules of specialist trainings: 15 PMP […]

An Inception Conference was held for the project “Establishment and/or strengthening of capacities of the institution for control of regulations and establishment of the system of reduction of administrative barriers”


On 19 September 2016, there was an inception conference for the project “Establishment and/or strengthening of capacities of the institution for control of regulations and establishment of the system of reduction of administrative barriers“, which was financed from the Public Administration reform Fund, and implemented by the consortium Commerce Engineering d.o.o., Mostar, Commerece Media d.o.o., Mostar, […]

The Memorandum on Introduction of Methodology of Budget for Citizens signed


Dragan Ćuzulan, public administration reform coordinator and Zdravko Miovčić, director of the Enterprise Development Agency Eda from Banja Luke, signed today in Sarajevo the Memorandum on Introduction of Methodology of Budget for Citizens. The basic objective of the Memorandum is defining mutual cooperation on preparation and presentation of the annual budget of the Public Administration […]

Contract signed for implementation of the project of upgrade of IS for business registration in the RS


Dragan Ćuzulan, public administration reform coordinator and Dragan Ninić, authorised representative of the “Lanaco” d.o.o. Banja Luka, signed today in Sarajevo the contract on implementation of the project “Upgrade of the Common Information System for Business Registration in the Republic of Srpska through procurement of the necessary HW infrastructure (backup servers)”. Implementation of this project […]

The first cycle of ECDL training completed for 890 civil servants and employees


Today in Banja Luka, in the Administrative centre of the Government of the Republic of Srpska, there was a conference on the occasion of completion of the first phase of the project “Training of employees who execute the jobs of civil administration for application of information technologies and work on computer”. In the first phase […]

Two new projects from the field of civil service


The members of the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund, at the session held today in Sarajevo gave an agreement for two new projects from the field of human resources management. These are the projects “Simplification and improvement of employment in the civil service” and “Development of electronic trainings for the needs […]

CoM BiH: Project for more efficient public administration


At the session held today, the Council of Ministers of BiH, inter alia, adopted the information of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office on the project “Improvement of the process of needs analysis and evaluation of the training effects” and gave support to implementation of the project. The project worth BAM 369,573.75 will be financed […]

Signed contract for implementation of the project “Implementation of common services for e- services”


Dragan Ćuzulan, public administration reform coordinator and Adis Pobrić, authorised representative of the company KING ICT, signed today in Sarajevo the contract on implementation of the project “Implementation of common services for e-services”. This is seventh project from the field of public administration reform, whose implementation started this year. “Introduction of electronic services and their […]

First Issue of e-Bulletin


The Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office published the first issue of e-bulletin, containing information on the process of public administration reform in BiH and the activities the PARCO leads. Our intention is to issue the bulletin every two months, and we are open for all your comments and suggestions you can send to an e-mail […]

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