The Council of Ministers of BiH, at the proposal of the Ministry of Justice of BiH, at the session held yesterday in Sarajevo, enacted the Decision on establishment of the Advisory Council of the initiative “Open Government partnership”, whose task would be to prepare the proposal of the Framework Action Plan for implementation of the Partnership. Framework action plan consists of the action plans of the Council of Ministers of BiH, the Governments of the Republic of Srpska (RS) and the Federation of BiH (FBiH) and the Government of the Brčko District of BiH.
Advisory Council will join the individual action plans in the Framework Action Plan, which will be submitted to the Council of Ministers of BiH for adoption, and then also to the bodies of the international initiative “Open Government Partnership” for confirmation.
The advisory council would consist of four representatives of the Council of Ministers of BiH, and two from the each of the governments of the RS, the FBiH and the Brčko District of BiH, and four representatives of the civil society organisations.
The Council has advisory and coordination role for the purpose of inciting transparency and openness of the administration bodies, and including citizens and civil society organisations in shaping public policies in accordance with the initiative “Open Government Partnership”.
Objective of the “Open Government Partnership” is to ensure a concrete progress in the fields of transparency and openness of work of the public administration bodies, inclusion and strengthening the citizens and civil society, combating corruption, and use of the new technologies for improvement of quality of services the public administration provides to the citizens.