A guide to opening up public sector data


The Project for Improving the Efficiency of Local Services (PIPLS) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) with the financial support of Sweden, aims to help local governments to increase the level of transparency and accountability in the management of public goods, secure additional revenues and improve the […]

Deputy state coordinator Doc. PhD. Ferid Otajagić participated in the International Scientific Meeting entitled “Humanity before the challenge of artificial intelligence”


Deputy State coordinator for public administration reform Doc. PhD. Ferid Otajagić presented a paper at the XI International Scientific Meeting in Brčko entitled “Humanity before the challenge of artificial intelligence” and on that occasion he explained the advantages and disadvantages of using artificial intelligence in public administration. A special focus in Otajagić’s presentation was the […]

Deputy state coordinator Ferid Otajagić, participant of the international conference on artificial intelligence


Deputy State Coordinator for Public Administration Reform Doc. Dr. Ferid Otajagić will be a guest of the XI International Scientific Meeting entitled “Humanity before the challenge of artificial intelligence” which will be organized today at the European University Brčko District. Among other things, Otajagić will speak on the topic “Artificial intelligence and public administration in […]

Report on self-assessment of the organization according to the CAF model is presented


Yesterday, members of the working group for the implementation of the CAF model in PARCO, presented to the management of the institution the Report on the self-assessment of the organization according to this European model for quality management. Namely, in cooperation with the Regional School for Public Administration (ReSPA) and the Institute for Public Administration […]

Action plan for the implementation of the EU Accession Communication Strategy


The Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the session held on February 23, 2023, among other things, adopted the Action Plan for the implementation of the Communication Strategy of BiH institutions on the process of accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the European Union – from candidate status to membership in 2023. Previously, […]

Aspiration towards Quality – a new cycle of the CAF self – assessment at Public Administration Reform Coordinator’ Office started


The Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office has started implementing the third cycle of self -assessment by the CAF 2020 model. Namely, with the help of the Regional School of Public Administration (ReSpa) and the Center for Public Policy Research – KDZ Austria, employees of PARCO will be supported on their way to improving the work […]

The Municipality Centar presented the project “E-bebe” to the Delegation of the European Union


Representatives European Union Delegation in Bosnia and Herzegovina Karel Lizerot, Florian Houser, Giulio Crespi, Taru Kernisalo, Dominika Sikorska and Jelena Maksić visited the Municipality Centar. On this occasion, Mayor Srđan Mandić and Assistant for General Administration Jasna Beba presented to them the “E-bebe” project, which the Municipality Centar has been successfully implementing since November 2021. […]

ReSPA published a study for competences and professional requirements in the civil services of the Western Balkan countries


The Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA) has published a study for assessing the scope of implementation of professional requirements and competence frameworks at the central level in the civil service administrations of the Western Balkan countries. The study also assessed their effectiveness in supporting key aspects of human resource management (HRM) in public administrations. […]

In one year, 600 babies were registered electronically


As part of the implementation of the ‘E-baby’ project, which began in November last year, 600 babies were registered electronically in the registry books of the Municipality Centar, according to the official website of the Municipality Centar. As a reminder, the project was launched on the initiative of PARCO in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it […]

The Office for Legislation developed an Action Plan based on the CAF model


The Office for Legislation of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina completed its Action Plan for the improvement of the institution in the previous days. Namely, as the final part of the CAF (Common Assessment Framework) process, a workshop was held to prioritize activities and to create an Action Plan. Employees of the […]

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