The Council of Ministers of BiH supported the Implementation Agreement for the Program of Strengthening Public Institutions in BiH


At the 165th session held on October 26, 2011, the Council of Ministers of BiH has been introduced to the Proposal for concluding the Implementation Agreement on implementation between the German Society for International Cooperation (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit – GIZ) and the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office (PARCO) for the program of strengthening […]

Twenty second Session of the PARF JMB


Twenty second session of the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund will be held on Friday, October 21, 2011 starting at 11.00 o’clock in in the premises of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’ Office, Vrazova 9, Sarajevo Proposal of the Agenda of the Session: 1. Minutes from the 21st session of the […]

Conference: “Role of Civil Servants in the Combat against Corruption”


The conference called "Role of Civil Servants in the Combat against Corruption" will be held in Banja Luka, on October 18 and 19, 2011, in organization of the Civil Administration Agency of the Republic of Srpska and the SIGMA. The goal of this two-day conference is a presentation of better and more efficient anticorruption instruments […]

Seventh number of “INFO” of the Council of Ministers of BiH published


The Office for Public Relations of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers of BiH has published a new number of its publication called "INFO" of the Council of Ministers of BiH. This month’s number, as well as the previous ones, has been prepared in cooperation with the spokespersons/public relations officers of ministries of […]

Declaration on cooperation in the process of modernizing public administration signed


The Declaration on cooperation in the process of modernizing public administration has been signed on Friday in Belgrade by departmental ministers of Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Slovenia and Albania. Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia will sign this document afterwards.  This declaration will contribute to the improvement of long-term forms of cooperation and the exchange of experiences […]

The “Volontiraj – kreditiraj” Project supported by the PARCO


Naomi Yo Erny, Kerim Panjeta, Nejra Bučo, Haris Pojata and Nahla Šalaka, students of the Second Gymnasium in Sarajevo and the Electro-technical school have replaced their classes on Friday by working in the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office in BiH, which has, once again, supported the project "Volontiraj – kreditiraj" of the non-government organization Infohouse. […]

Regional Conference on Public Administration Reform


The Ministry of Human and Minority Rights, Public Administration and Local Self Governance of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency and the Swedish Institute for Public Administration, organizes the two-day regional conference "Services, skills and capacities – key challenges in building a modern Public Administration in […]

Modernization of public administration – the key


BELGRADE, OCTOBER 6, 2011 (SRNA) – The public administration reform and its modernization are the key ones in the association of countries of region in the EU and that is a hard, but achievable process – has been said by the Minister for Civil Administration and Local Self Governance of Serbia, Milan Marković, by opening […]

Making a selection of civil servants


BELGRADE, OCTOBER 6 (SRNA) – BiH is on a half way in the public administration reform and the hardest part of it is approaching. Therefore the civil servants who do not carry out the European standards, will not be able to continue executing their job and selection will be made, has been said to Srna […]

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