Replacement of traffic licenses is late


Nezavisne novine: Replacement of traffic licenses in BiH could start in September, but not this month, as it has been announced, because the contest procedure has not been finished. As it has been confirmed in the Identification Documents, Data Exchange and Evidence Agency of BiH (IDDEEA), their commission for public procurements needs to re-deliberate a […]

Žepče: Implementation of the Government Accountability Project -GAP


The Mayor of Municipality of Žepče, Mato Zovko and Dana W. Frey, director of the GAP in BiH, have on 16th of March, 2009. signed the Memorandum on understanding. This way there has been initiated a cooperation on creating a more efficient and effective public administration. Having in mind previously good results in providing the […]

Work at night and work with industrial chemicals is dangerous


It has been awhile since there are many arguments that a work at night is damaging for human health, but not many of us could have assumed how big that damage actually is. The Danish Government has begun paying in the compensation to people, who after several years of work at night have got a […]

This summer – Opening of marketplace for poor?


The Government of the FBiH has yesterday accepted the initiative for opening of stores for poor, which has been proposed by the federal minister for market, Desnica Radivojević, by a model of those recently opened in Slovenia. Similar store will be opened on March 25th in Belgrade, and it will offer about 300 groceries with […]

Public administration, protection of living environment: Experiences of Greece in the EU


At the working meeting of the chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH, dr. Nikola Špirić and Prime Minister of Greece, dr. Kostas Karamanlis, which has been held in June last year in Greece, it has been agreed on strengthening the cooperation between these two countries and especially the exchange and transfer of experiences […]

Declaration on good administration


In the Official Gazette of BiH, no.19/09 has been published the Declaration on good administration, which has been adopted by the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH at the last year's October session. The House of Representatives has expressed the support to a sustainable development of the institutions of administration, which are […]

From today – website for consumers


Dnevni list: On the eve of the March 15th, the World's day of consumer's rights, the Association of consumers of the RS with a support of the Ministry of market and tourism of the RS, initiates the work of website intended for informing and educating of consumers. In the purpose of educating of consumers and […]

Taxes up to 100.000 KM


Nezavisne novine: BiH belongs to a group of countries with the most expensive and biggest number of taxes which burden the citizens and economists, has been claimed by Mesud Lakota, chairman of the Consumer association of canton Sarajevo. The biggest tax is being paid in the RS and it can cost 100.000 KM. It is […]

7% of servants illegally employed


Nezavisne novine: 7% of civil servants in the FBiH has been illegally employed, has been confirmed by the Civil Service Agency of this entity. Out of 6.062 civil servants 7% has been employed without the adequate professional qualification or without the adequate procedure, and there were cases that neither of those two bases has been […]

From 1st of May – Visa easements for BiH


Dnevni avaz: Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway, Elisa-beth Walaas has yesterday notified the presiding of the House of Representatives and House of Peoples of the Parliament of BiH, Beriz Belkić and Dušanka Majkić that from 1st of May will inure some visa easements for citizens of BiH, who travel to Norway and that […]

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