Billion Euros are waiting for the good projects from BiH


Nezavisne novine: One of the most important programs of the European Union, for which can participate the companies, research institutions, faculties, municipalities and all related to the field of research and innovations is the „Seventh framework program for research and development“, where for BiH 54 billion Euros for seven years stands at disposal. This has […]

BiH receives the budget by the end of year?


Dnevni list: BiH will by the end of this year probably receive the budget, which will be similar to the one proposed by the Council of Ministers, or which is in accordance with recommendations of the Fiscal council. Even though the proposal budget redone by the Presidency of BiH will be sent for adoption to […]

Majority of confirmations are however, not required


Dnevni avaz: Because of the shortness of time for collecting of documentation required for tax applications, and different elks by the employers and taxation administrations, many citizens of the FBiH are confused and still do not know what they need in order to receive by January 1st their tax cards required for achieving of the […]

Complexity of process of the internal audits


The complexity of process of the internal audits, different methodologies which are being used by the internal controls, and the risks which show up in financial public sector of the IT system, were the topics of the seminar which has been held on December 8 and 9 this year in Warsaw, in the organization of […]

Public Administration Reform – Priority


The public administration reform does not mean the introduction of the constitutional changes on “small doors”, and the local politicians need to overtake the measures in order for the reforms to be implemented, is the standpoint of the High Representative of the EU, Miroslav Lajčak during the conference “Parliament for Europe”. The second session of […]

Expenditures increased by 200 million KM


Nezavisne novine:  The Presidency of BiH has yesterday by division adopted the Proposal budget of the Institutions of BiH for 2009, which has been increased by 200 million KM in relation to the draft offered by the Council of Ministers with the amount of 1.43 billion KM. This has been announced after an urgent session […]

The EU worried by the situation in BiH


Nezavisne novine: The chiefs of the European Union have yesterday at the meeting in Brussels expressed the worry because of the development political occasions and slowing of the reforms in BiH.   The ministers of foreign affairs have given a full support to the reports of the European Commission on the results of the West-Balkan […]

Seminar on financial procedures and audit in public sector


In the organization of the European Institute for Public Administration, on December 8th and 9th this year, in Warsaw will be held the seminar on financial procedures and audit in the public sector. Seminar is dedicated to managers in public sector of the countries members of the EU and the countries candidates. The representative of […]

Public administration reform implies a change of conduct of civil servants


All the analyses and trends in the last 20 years are directing to the fact that the essence of the public administration reform is in a change of conduct and a manner of work of civil servants, it is one of the main conclusions of the International Conference on Public Administration and Public Administration Reform, […]

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