The OSCE and the OHR are monitoring the election of ombudsman


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – After on Tuesday the vacancy notice for new ombudsmen of BiH was closed, the selection of the best candidates will be followed by the representatives of the OSCE and the OHR. This was confirmed by Dušanka Majkić, the member of the parliamentary Commission for election of ombudsman. “We left rather bad […]

Illegally decreased basic price of work


Nezavisne novine: BANJALUKA – Some municipalities in the RS started illegally, foregoing signed individual collective agreements, to decrease basic price of work. This was said yesterday by Jovan Vukoje, the president of the Union of Administration of the RS. “For example, in Doboj, the basic price of work from 110 was decreased to 100 KM. […]

For Assistance to B&H 74 million Euros


Nezavisne novine: BANJALUKA – BiH will receive in this year 74 million Euros of assistance within the pre-accession fund of the EU (IPA fund), said yesterday Osman Topčagić, director of the Directorate for European Integrations of BIH. Topčagić stated that within the IPA fund of BiH, last year was provided 58 million Euros for the […]

Revision of all decisions so far is starting


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – The Central Election Commission (CEC) of BiH will revise all the decisions so far, related with the conflict of interest of appointed and elected officials in BiH. This was confirmed yesterday by Suad Arnautović, the president of the CEC BiH, and he added that it will be verified also why in […]

Salary raise or strike


Glas Srpske: Sarajevo – Unions of security of the BiH agencies, the SIPA and the ISA, of the Border Police and of the Indirect Taxation Authority demand from the Council of Ministers of BiH and from the Parliament of BiH to have their salaries increased, with a warning that unless their demands are met, not […]

Mayors off the election lists


Nezavisne novine: BANJALUKA – Heads of local communities in the Republic of Srpska, in future might be elected by the municipal MPs, and not by citizens, after the Government yesterday unexpectedly proposed to the entity parliament urgent changes of the related laws. In the wake of scheduling local elections, the Government under urgent procedure directed […]

Cooperation of the CEC, the OHR and the OSCE


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – The Memorandum of understanding, according to which in the next year two advisors from both the OHR and the OSCE will work with the CEC of BiH, who will provide the logistical support and give expert advice to the members of the CEC and the Secretariat, was signed yesterday in Sarajevo. […]

For Long Procedures the Law is to be blamed


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – For long procedures in selection of civil servants, the main culprit is the Law on Civil Service of BiH, which should be changed by June this year, said Jakob Finci, director of the Civil Service Agency. “The Law stipulates that the vacancy notice stays open for 30 days, and after that, […]

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