Nezavisne novine: BANJALUKA – Some municipalities in the RS started illegally, foregoing signed individual collective agreements, to decrease basic price of work. This was said yesterday by Jovan Vukoje, the president of the Union of Administration of the RS.

“For example, in Doboj, the basic price of work from 110 was decreased to 100 KM. I do not understand why local managers have to skim exactly on that. That is why we are going to visit the municipalities in which the Law on Salaries is not respected”, said Vukoje.

He stressed that the application of the Law on Salaries has shown weaknesses also in the Tax Administration, the Geodesy Administration and in the demining business. In those areas, added Vukoje, the employees with a high school education, after the adoption of the Law on Salaries, started receiving lower salaries.

“Their salaries were previously calculated by the quotients of five to seven. Now, they are probably calculated only by the quotient of six, and the quotient of seven was completely abolished which is not allowed”, stressed Vukoje.

Speaking of recently increased salaries of the MPs of the Peoples’ Assembly of the RS and in the parliament of BiH, Vukoje said that they are exceptionally high but that “the Union  of Administration of the RS did not participate in that affair”.

“It is incomprehensible that salary of 3.500 for the MP and 2.450 KM for the volunteer MP, is received by those who come to the session once a month. It is immoral also that MPs, for the birth of a child receive three average salaries which in start presents selection of children” said Vukoje.

He added that the representatives of the Union of Administration of the RS will on Friday meet the representatives of the Peoples’ Assembly of the RS and the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH so they could talk about it “on the level of obligation, negotiation relation”.

“If they are our members, then they have to respect our standpoints as well on such increase in salaries”, stressed Vukoje.