Adopted Amended Law on Protection of the Name of BiH


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH adopted yesterday the Law on Usage and Protection of the Name of BiH which defines criteria and facilitates procedure of approval of usage of the name of BiH to legal persons. Proposal of the Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law […]

On the Agenda Salaries in the Institutions


Dnevni avaz: The House of Peoples of BiH, at today’s session in Sarajevo should declare on final proposal of changes and amendments of the Election Law of BiH, the Law on Movement and Residence of Foreigners and Asylum, and changes and amendments of the Law on Service for the Affairs with Foreigners. The Delegates will […]

BiH sent to Brussels three translations of the Agreement


Dnevni avaz: The Directorate for European Integrations of BiH sent three translations of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) of BiH and the European Union in Brussels, where their administration will review the translations and give their agreement to the text of the Agreement, found out “Dnevni avaz”. Planning of the activities The expert commission, […]

The Law on Salaries and Remunerations in the Institutions of BiH


Dnevni avaz: The Law on Salaries and Remunerations in the Institutions of BiH was yesterday in first reading discussed by the House of Representatives of the BiH parliament. After the Minister of Finances of BiH, Dragan Vrankić, explained the Law, there was a bitter long argument on the draft Law which, among other things, stipulates […]

Zvonimir Kutleša announced resignation


Dnevni avaz: If at the next session of the Commission for State Property, scheduled in two weeks, the Law on Division of State Property is not established, I will resign, said yesterday for “Dnevni avaz” Zvonimir Kutleša. Draft of this Law was supposed to be established at the session held on Tuesday, but because of, […]

Action Plan implemented 18.43 per cent


Dnevni avaz:  The Annual Progress Report on the Public Administration Reform for the last year, based on the Action Plan 1 of the Strategy of the Public Administration Reform, and last week adopted by the Council of Ministers of BiH, was presented yesterday in Sarajevu. As it was said yesterday at the press conference, implementation […]

Promoted Annual Progress Report on the Public Administration Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina


BHRT: Sarajevo – The Public Administration Reform Coordinator's Office presented today in  Sarajevo the Annual Progress Report on the Public Administration Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina – monitoring of implementation of the Action Plan 1 of the Strategy of the Public Administration Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The State Public Administration Reform Coordinator Nevenka Savić […]

The EU ready to sign the SAA with BiH on April 28


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – The EU is ready to sign the Stabilization and Association Agreement at the next meeting of the Council of the Union in Luxemburg, on April 28, if in the next period necessary legal regulations are adopted in relation with the police reform. This was released yesterday from the Ministry of Foreign […]

Green Light for the Law on Salaries


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – Commission for Finances and Budget of the House of Representatives of the BH Parliament, yesterday adopted the principles for Proposal of the Law on Salaries and Remunerations in the Institutions of BiH and Proposal of the Law on Fiscal Council of BiH, with standpoint that these are two basic reform laws. […]

Employees Work without Salary


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – Employees of the Institute for Missing Persons (IMP) of BiH have not received salaries since the beginning of this year, because the Ministry of Finances and Treasury of BiH finds the Rulebook regulating these payments unacceptable. This was confirmed yesterday in the department ministry, which did not give a positive opinion […]

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