Tax will be paid on flat-rates as well


Dnevni avaz: The tax on income, which will from January 1st be paid in the Federation of BiH, will not bypass those who are not in a permanent work relation, and who are receiving remunerations, meaning who work on the basis of contract. – The gross remuneration will firstly be reduced by 4% of contribution, […]

Penalties weigh five and a half million KM


Dnevni avaz: The Federal Administration for Inspection Affairs during the one-month control in nine cantons, has detected 691 unregistered workers, issued 6.436 penalty dictates and sentenced penalties in a value of almost five and a half million KM. The control has been done by the inspections of work, market, traffic, health care and the forestry. […]

Decree instead of the budget of the District


Nezavisne novine: The Supervisor for the District of Brčko, Rafi Gregorian has adopted the Decree on Interim Financing of Institutions of the District for the period from January 1st to March 31st, 2009., in the amount of 26.734.764 KM. From the Office of the Supervisor for the District of Brčko has been notified that the […]

The Government of the RS has adopted the economic policy for 2009.


Dnevni list: The National Assembly of the RS has adopted the Economic policy for the next year, whose measures imply the reduction of public expenditures and its perseverance below 40% of the gross social product (GSP), the growth of the GSP of 6.4% and inflation of 3.1%. The representatives of the current parties have supported […]

Inspectors impose “work without papers”


Nezavisne novine: The work of inspection services in the RS on all levels will in future be connected into the unified information system, and the inspectors will, instead of using a pen and a paper, communicate in an electronic way and by using the computers and laptops on the field. This has been said yesterday […]

Budget of the RS bigger by 6%


Nezavisne novine: Aleksandar Džombić, Minister of Finance of the RS, has yesterday explained to the delegates of the Parliament of the RS the Proposal budget of the RS for 2009. in the amount of 1.67 billion KM, which represents an increase by 6% in relation to the rebalance of this year. While speaking of the […]

Budget 1.6 billion KM


Nezavisne novine: The Government of the FBiH has yesterday confirmed the budget for 2009 in the amount of 1.6 billion KM, has been announced after the session. “On the side of expenditures, 30 million KM has been ensured for a transfer for demobilized soldiers, 24 million KM for financing the railroads of the FBiH and […]

OECD: By 2010, number of unemployed bigger by 25 million


Global economic crisis will increase the number of unemployed in the world by 25 million by 2010. This has been said on Monday by the head secretary of the Organization for economic cooperation and development (OECD), Angel Gurria. "We are on our way to lose between eight and ten million of working positions in the […]

Budget 1.6 billion KM


Nezavisne novine: The House of Representatives of the Parliament of the FBiH has yesterday adopted the budget of the FBiH for the next year in the amount of 1.6 billion KM, which is by about 240 million KM less than this year, and it obligated the Government of the FBiH to prepare a rebalance 90 […]

Long-lasting tenders damage the companies


Nezavisne novine: Complete procedure of public procurements, from announcing the tender until the end of procedure, lasts from four to six months, which brings the public companies in a discriminative position, and losses are being bided not only by companies, but also the whole society, claims Bećarević, director of the "BH gas". "We have warned […]

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