Part of the employed in civil service in Serbia will be left without job


Part of the employed in civil service and local self governances in Serbia will remain without job, after the new systematization of work positions has been done. The Minister of civil service and local self governance, Milan Marković has said for the B92 that his ministry will order the operators to make a new systematization […]

Government of the FBiH pays debts to pensioners


Dnevni avaz: The Federal Prime Minister, Nedžad Branković claims that little less than 120 million KM, which will the FBiH receive by decision of the Fiscal Council of BiH on temporary distribution of funds on the basis of recession, will not be spent on ongoing spending, but on payment of priority debts of the Government […]

Urgent packet of measures finally adopted


Oslobođenje: At the yesterday's session, the Council of Ministers of BiH has adopted the packet of measures for moderating the impact of the global economic crisis on economy of our country, which will be deliberated by the Fiscal Council of BiH. Packet of 16 measures from the competency of the Council of Ministers is directed […]

Thousands of BiH workers returned from abroad


Nezavisne novine: More thousands of BiH workers from abroad have come back in last months in our country after they have lost their jobs because of the economic crisis and recession which has hit the countries in which they have worked. According to data of the Work and Employment Agency of BiH, to the evidence […]

Banks finally reduce interest rates


Dnevni list: The Fiscal Council of BiH will today held a session in Banja Luka, which will be attended by the governor of the Central bank of BiH,  Kemal Kozarić, who will express his vision of taking a move at the level of state in moderating the world economic crisis, which more and more takes […]

First change of the Constitution of BiH


Nezavisne novine: The House of Peoples of the Parliament of BiH has yesterday in first reading adopted the amendment to the Constitution of BiH, by which the Brčko District is being incorporated into the constitutional arrangement of BiH. Only one day ago the same amendment has been adopted by the House of Representatives of the […]

Parliament accepted first amendment to the Constitution of BiH


Dnevni list: The House of Representatives of the state Parliament has reached the consensus around the principles of the first amendment to the Constitution of BiH, by which the status of the Brčko District as a joint possession of entities has been defined, so it has been enabled the access to the Constitutional Court of […]

Out of 3.798 servants in the RS, only 38 of them are Bosniaks


Dnevni avaz: The Constitutional Court of BiH has in July 2002. adopted the decision on constitutive nations on the whole territory of BiH, by which, besides others, it was supposed to be ensured the proportional representation of all nations in the state and public institutions according to the census from 1991., but the realistic condition, […]

Women earn significantly less than men


Nezavisne novine: Women in the European Union on average earn 17.4% less than men, and the biggest inequality in that sense has been recorded in Estonia, has been shown by the European statistics published on the eve of the March 8th – Women’s Day. Women – remedy for recession The European Commission has warned that […]

Right on a native language has been turned down


Nezavisne novine: In the Livanjski and Zapadno-hercegovački canton there are still no plans of the introduction of a native language or a national group of classes for Bosniak and Serbian children. Several thousands of children of Bosniak and Serbian nationality in the cantons with majority of Croatian citizens generally remain without the right to educate […]

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