The goal – to reduce the public expenditure


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – The Fiscal Council of BiH will in the upcoming period reduce the public expenditure in BiH, has been announced by Nikola Špirić,  Chairman of the Council of Ministries of BiH and this council, which yesterday held the first and constitutional session in accordance with the new law. “The goal is to […]

EU Funds Postgraduate Studies in UK for five BiH Civil Servants


Mr. Ferdinand Kopp, Acting Head of Operations in the European Commission Delegation to BiH, attended today's ceremony where Director of the Directorate for European Integration of BiH, Mr. Osman Topčagić and Director of the Civil Service Agency of BiH, Mr. Jakob Finci signed contracts with five civil servants who will attend postgraduate studies at University […]

Summer Institute: Measuring Performance in Public Administration


“Measuring performance and its linking with system of indicators is integral part of quality and efficiency of modern policy making process. Experiences of developed countries show how much the performance measuring system, especially in the area of budgeting, is significant for efficiency and effectiveness of work of public administration” – was one of the conclusions […]

UNDP – Early Warning System


Within a multi year project “Early Warning System”, which is being realised by the United Nations Development Programme in BiH, the first quarterly report for 2008 has been published. This document contains key indicators of condition in BiH in a domain of political stability, trust in the work of institutions, economic situation, business environment, revenues […]

Forwards in the Public Administration Reform in the Federation of BiH


On the conference held in Sarajevo, the Government of the FBiH has considered and supported the project proposals related with strategic communications, administrative decision making quality improvement program, budget management information system and One Stop Shop, or building and establishing the infrastructure needed for a stable and efficient functioning of the electronic administration. The coordinator […]

Meeting of the Supervisory Team for Information Technologies


The meeting of the Supervisory Team for the reform area of Information Technologies was held on May 20, 2008 in the building of the Government of the Brčko District of BiH. At the meeting, there was a unanimous adoption and signing of the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Team and election of the chairperson […]

New web site of the Ministry of Justice of BiH


New official website of the Ministry of Justice of BiH is now functional at the address . On that occasion the Ministry of Justice issued a public release in which sates: “Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina started its new official web site Concept and contents of the site are fully based […]

Lack of employees will not endanger the road to the EU


Dnevni avaz: The Chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH, Nikola Špirić, does not think that the problems of the lack of employees in the Directorate for European Integrations (DEI) of our country are of such proportions that they can endanger the road of BiH to the European Union. Young employees Osman Topčagić, director […]

Only 60 people works on association with the EU


Dnevni avaz: Bosnia and Herzegovina must urgently increase the institutional capacities so it could not only successfully implement the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the European Union once it is signed, but also continue its travel towards the integration in the EU. Human Resource Filling Much has to be done in human resource filling, logistic […]

May 9 – The Europe Day


Today, one of European symbols, together with the anthem, flag and common currency is also one significant date – May 9. That day is every year celebrated as the Europe Day. These symbols identify the political entity and unity of the European Union. Because of that, this date is extremely significant for the Union. On […]

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