PARCO published a second issue of the electronic bulletin


The Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office published a second issue of the electronic bulletin. The content of the bulletin is dedicated to European integration, so you can read an introductory note by Mr Edin Dilberović, director of the Directorate for European integration. You can find more details here.

PARCO Website Redesigned


After nine years in service, the PARCO web site received the new looks, functionalities, and the contents. Based on the previous analyses of the web site contents, new looks has been adjusted to the internet users, so they could have the insight, in as easiest and as simplest possible manner, in the activities of the […]

Introductory Note of the Director of the Directorate for European Integration


Dear readers, Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the European Union will turn eighteen this year. Establishment of the Consultative Work Group in 1998 is considered a start in institutionalisation of relations between BiH and the EU, and only a year later the Stabilisation and Association Process was initiated, which gave Bosnia and Herzegovina a […]

The Council of Ministers of BiH on PAR


At the session of 28 September 2016, the Council of Ministers of BiH enacted also the Decision on appointment of the representatives of the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina in inter-institutional work structures for draft of the Strategic framework for public administration reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2016 – 2020. The Governments of the Federation […]

53 IT managers from the civil service certified for management of IT projects and services


The conference on the occasion of completion of the project “Specialist Training Programme for IT Managers”, which was financed by the Public Administration Reform Fund, implemented by the Akademika d.o.o Sarajevo, was held today in Sarajevo. The project worth BAM 204,048.00 covered a total of 86 trainings, for three modules of specialist trainings: 15 PMP […]

An Inception Conference was held for the project “Establishment and/or strengthening of capacities of the institution for control of regulations and establishment of the system of reduction of administrative barriers”


On 19 September 2016, there was an inception conference for the project “Establishment and/or strengthening of capacities of the institution for control of regulations and establishment of the system of reduction of administrative barriers“, which was financed from the Public Administration reform Fund, and implemented by the consortium Commerce Engineering d.o.o., Mostar, Commerece Media d.o.o., Mostar, […]



PART I: CONTRACTING AUTHORITY I 1. Contracting authority data Name Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office UIN 4200334950020 Contact person Mirnesa Mašić Address Vrazova 9 Postal code 71000 Sarajevo (bhp) Municipality/City Sarajevo Centar (Sarajevo) Telephone (033) 565-760 Fax number (033) 565-761 Email address Website address I 3. Type of the contracting authority, level and […]

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