Meeting of the Supervisory Team for the Reform Area Human Resources Management


The meeting of the Supervisory Team for the area Human Resource Management, with the following agenda: 1. Adoption of the agenda of the meeting, 2. Adoption of the Minutes from the previous meeting of the Supervisory Team for the area of Human Resource Management, held on February 15, 2011. 3. Information on the flow of […]

“Training of civil servants for application of information technologies”


At a media conference held today in the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office on the occasion of the start of implementation of the project “Training of Civil Servants for application of information technologies and work on computers”, implementation of IT training for 1600 civil servants from the level of institutions of BiH, the FBiH, the […]

Workshops within the SPPD project


The UNDP, which is the implementer of the project “Capacity building for strategic planning and policy development in BiH” (SPPD) organizes workshops for the beneficiaries of this project and for representatives of the state and entity ministries competent for the sectors: work and employment, social protection, small and medium enterprises, transport and communications, energy, industry, […]

Fourth meeting of the IPA multi-beneficiary Sector Work Group for Public Administration held


The fourth meeting of the IPA multi-beneficiary Work Group for Public Administration, in the frame of the multi-beneficiary IPA programming (MB MIPD 2011-2013), which has been organized by the European Commission – General Directorate for Enlargement, has been held in Danilovgrad in premises of the Regional school for Public Administration (ReSPA), on April 14 and […]

Meeting of Supervisory Team for Information Technologies


Meeting of the Supervisory team for the implementation of Action Plan I Public Adsministration Reform Strategy in B&H for Information Technologies with the proposed agenda: 1. Adoption of the agenda 2. Adoption of the minutes from the previous meeting of the Supervisory Team, held on November 23, 2010. 3. Disccusion about work plan for 2011. […]

Million savings by the reform


The interview with the professor Gregor Virant, PhD, expert of the Technical Assistance team of the European Union Delegation (EUPAR), who has participated in drafting the Revised Action plan 1, has been published by “Oslobođenje” on Sunday, March 14, 2011. 1. Mr. Virant, several years ago, you have been the public administration reform leader in […]

Public Administration Reform – topic “Parliament for Europe”


Bosnia and Herzegovina needs better, not larger bureaucracy; has been concluded today in Sarajevo by the High Representative Valentin Inzko, while speaking at the press conference upon beginning of the second session of the "Parliament for Europe" third cycle, dedicated to the public administration reform in BiH. The High Representative for BiH and the EU […]

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