The Council of Ministers should not interfere with the dialogue on visa liberalization


Valentin Inzko, the EU High Representative, Stefan Feller, Head EU Police Mission in BiH Stefan Feller, and Boris Iarochevitch, Charge d'Affaires of the Delegation of the European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina sent a joint letter to the Nikola Špirić, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers regarding the fulfillment of the remaining conditions for […]

Meeting of the Bologna Follow-up Group


Meeting of the Bologna Follow-up Group will be held on August 24 and 25, this year in Alden Biesen (Belgium).   The Bologna Follow-up Group meets at least once in six months. Besides the fact that it possesses a mandate for adopting decisions, this group is also a forum for discussions and exchange of experiences […]

Websites “EU4journalists” launched


The general European Commission management for communication has launched a specifically created website of the EU: 'EU4Journalists'/ for the journalists from candidate countries and potential candidates from the South-East Europe, which are specifically focused on the issues related to the EU. Main goal of this project is to make the everyday work of journalists covering […]

Seventeenth session of the PARF JMB held


At the session held on July 27 in Sarajevo members of the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund have approved the draft of the decision on the award of contracts for the procurement of services for the implementation of the project "Transposition of EU legislation in the legal system of BiH. By […]

Strategy of pension system reform withdrew form Parliamentary procedure


Prime Minister of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mustafa Mujezinovic withdrew strategy of reform of the pension system from Parliamentary procedure. The main reason for this decision is because all stakeholders were not enabled to participate at public discussion at the same way not contributing to the overall perception of the situation and finding […]

Activities of defining strategic objectives for MIPD finished


At the begining of March European Commission has started consultations on defining strategic objectives and selection for financial assistance to the Bosnia and Herzegovina in the frame of Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) for the period 2011-2013. Although the MIPD (Multi-Annual Indicative Planning Document) is the document that the Commission approves this time  great importance […]

Training manager course held


Training manager course was held from June 28-Jule 2 in Tirana and it was organized by European Institute for Public Administration and Regional School for Public Administration (ReSPA). Seminar gathered 20 representatives from public administration institutions and who are in charge for training's coordination. Participants were from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina,  Montenegro, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia […]

43.72% of public administration reform measures have been fulfilled


In the first six months this year the Government institutions in BiH have fulfilled 4.66% of measures from the Action plan 1 of the Public Administration Reform Strategy, therefore the total implementation of reform measures is currently 43.72%. The highest progress has been achieved in the reform area Institutional Communications: 58.21%, and the lowest in […]

17th Session of the PAR Fund Join Management Board


Seventeenth session of the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund will be held on Tuesday, July 27th, 2010, starting at 11 o'clock in the premises of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator's Office, Vrazova 9, Sarajevo. Proposed agenda of the session: 1. Adoption of the Minutes from the sixteenth session of the Joint […]

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