Assisting BiH applicants for the EU funds


How to attract the funds from the European funds; is the question that Bosnia and Herzegovina should pay attention to, even in this very early phase of getting closer to the European Union. Besides the classic assistance programs, as it has earlier been the technical assistance program CARDS, or the one that it’s now available […]

Final condition for liberalization of visa regime fulfilled


At today’s session in Sarajevo, the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH has extended the mandate to Mijo Krešić, Executive Director of the Corruption Prevention and Combat against Corruption Coordination Agency, untill the director of the Agency has been appointed. The Chairwoman of the House of Peoples, Dušanka Majkić, has said that […]

Public Procurement Strategy adopted


Today, the Council of Ministers has adopted the Strategy of Public Procurement System Development in BiH for the period 2010 – 2015. Its goal is strengthening this system and achieving principles of transparent and efficient usage of public funds. The intention is that the Strategy initiates development of concurrence at the market of commodities, services […]

How to save British budget?


Citizens of Great Britain have had a chance to put on the website of their government their ideas on how their country can be economic, and the suggestions were different – from selling the Queen’s swans and abolishing monarchy to leaving delegates without salary. Great Britain, whose budget deficit has been increased to even 903 […]

The Civil Service Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina has Facebook profile


The Civil Service Agency of BiH is one of the few government institutions in BiH that allows its visitors publishing relevant contents such as announcment, training, to their web sites directly  from the official Civil Service Agency site.    Facebook is a popular online social network that enables its customers to achieve and maintain contact […]

43,72 % public administration reform measures implemented


During the first six months of this year, the institutions of administration in the BiH are fullfilled the 4.66% measures of Action Plan I of Public Administration Reform Strategy and overall implementation of the reform measures currently stands at 43.72%. The greatest progress was achieved in the field of Institutional Communications: 58.21% and the lowest […]

High school degree employees paid well


The officials in the EU institutions have the lowest starting salary of 1.700 Euros, for which the high school degree is enough. Each second year this salary grows higher and more than 4% with a lot of allowances and benefits. Media reports that these officials, if they get a permanent position, can expect the pension […]

Almanac of BiH civil sector achievements presented


Printed edition of Almanac of Achievements under the title “Civil Society Organizations – the Power of the Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the European Integration Process” was presented within the Project of Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organizations (TACSO) BiH, financed by the European Union. There are 39 organizations and 12 networks and initiatives […]

The civil service should not be politicized


Valentin Inzko, the EU High Representative and Boris Iarochevitch from the Delegation of the European Union in Bosnia met in Sarajevo the Federation House of Peoples Board and House of Representatives Board to discuss about possible consequences if the FBiH Parliament adopt the proposed amendments to the Law on Civil Service and the Law on […]

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