Biometric passports from October 1st


Nezavisne novine: Issuing of biometric passports in BiH should start on October 1st, this year, has been said yesterday by Sredoje Nović, Minister of Civil Affairs of BiH. Biometric passports are one of the EU conditions for liberalization of visa regime for BiH citizens, while earlier has been announced that their issuing will start on […]

Number of internet users has been increased


Dnevni list: Number of internet users in BiH has in relation to the last year increased from 33 to 35%, while a number of households with internet connection from 28 to 29%, has been shown by the newest research of the Center for market research of BiH. Internet is mostly being used by younger generations, […]

Inspectors have discovered 824 illegal workers


Dnevni avaz: In a huge action, which have 160 inspectors implemented in the last two months on the region of the FBiH, the Federal Authority for Inspection Affairs has found even 824 illegal workers, has been confirmed for "Dnevni avaz" by director of this authority, Ibrahim Tirak.   Even though there was a time when […]

Procurement notice: Project “Training of Public Relations Officers”


PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REFORM COORDINATOR'S OFFICE PROCUREMENT NOTICE SERVICES Section I: CONTRACTING AUTHORITY I.1. OFFICAL NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTING AUTHORITY Organization: Public Administration Reform Coordinator's Office Contact person: Marina Kavaz-Siručić Address: Vrazova 9 Postal code: 71 000 Town: Sarajevo ID number: 4200334950020 Phone: 033/ 565-763 Fax: 033/565-761 E-mail: URL: I.2. ADDRESS FROM WHICH […]

Allocations lower by 45.2 million


Dnevni list: Total allocations for salaries and remunerations of expenditures of the employed in the institutions of BiH for the next year, according to the previous budget plans, will be 677.2 million KM, which is by 45.2 million less than this year, has been stated in the Ministry of Finance of BiH. They say that […]

Government still keeps the data hidden from public


Dnevni list: Even though BiH has received the Law on Free Information Access nine years ago, it is obvious that the government still chooses which information to give, while in our previous practice there were no cases of enunciating any sanctions for not delivering the information. However, the situation might change soon, since the Proposal […]

OHR signs the civil property


Nezavisne novine: The OHR team will be doing the technical civil property census, has been decided yesterday by the High Representative, Valentin Inzko. According to Frane Maroević, spokesperson of the OHR, that team will consist of the tightest circle of coworkers of Valentin Inzko and some people outside of the OHR. In the announcement of […]

More than half of youth unemployed


Nezavisne novine: More than a half of youth in BiH is unemployed, which is almost four times more than the average rate of unemployment of youth in the EU, has been shown by data of the Office of the Residential Coordinators of the UN in BiH. They warn from this office that young people between […]

Croatia abolishes 150 municipalities


Oslobođenje: Bottomless barrel. This is a descriptive illustration, which is often being used today in descriptions of the whole sea of units of local self-governance, which today function in Croatia. Even 429 municipalities, 127 towns and 21 cantons, including the City of Zagreb make this network of administration at local level. But, in the days […]

39 million Euros for combat against crisis


Nezavisne novine: The European Union has yesterday approved 39 million Euros worth packet of financial assistance for BiH for overcoming the consequences of financial crisis. The European Commission Delegation in BiH has informed that the approved non-returnable funds will be used for financing big infrastructural projects. "The European Commission has adopted the program, whose goal […]

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