In three months – registration of vehicles only with photography


Dnevni avaz: In three months, in the FBiH should start the application of a totally new system of control of work of the stations for technical check of vehicles. Each vehicle will by the obligated technical check be photographed, and without those photographs the documentation on accuracy of vehicle will not be valid. "Economic engineering […]

Directors of state companies have maximal salaries of 3.900 KM


Dnevni avaz: By the Law on salaries and other material rights of members of the authorities of coordination of institutions of the FBiH and public companies in major ownership of the FBiH, which has inured by the announcement in the Official Gazette of FBiH, heights of these incomes in federal institutions as are the Privatization […]

Integral market – ticket for the EU


Oslobođenje: The European Commission, along with the state coordinators for the IPA programs, works on the project of receiving of 40 million Euros of an urgent assistance for moderating the consequences of economic crisis. "The goal is to reduce the effects of global economic crisis. We cooperate on that with the state coordinators for the […]

After disabled persons, war veterans get to the streets as well


Dnevni list: It seems that a social mess begins to spread all over the country, which also confirms the data that after the disabled, war veterans should soon get to the streets because of the unpaid remunerations. As it has been confirmed by Mehmed Šišić, chairman of the Association of war veterans of BiH, payments […]

There is no BiH among the challenges of the EU


Dnevni avaz: There is no Bosnia and Herzegovina among the key challenges of the European Union in this year at all, according to the estimations of distinctive CLAN Institute from Brussels. The analytics of this institute have created an extensive and studious document on priorities which wait on the Union in 2009., among which are […]

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