Municipality of Oštra Luka received an OSCE certificate


Nezavisne novine: Municipality of Oštra Luka has received a certificate regarding successfully finished OSCE project “Public Administration Reform”, has been said in the Ministry of Administration and Local Self Governance of the RS. “By ending this project, which is related to public finances and human resources, management of the Municipality of Oštra Luka have showed […]

Sharper control of civil servants


Nezavisne novine: Before beginning of issuing biometric passports, which is planned for the end of the next year, control of the civil servants of the institutions which issue the documents, will be maximally sharpened. This has been said for “Nezavisne novine” by Siniša Macan, the director of Directorate for Implementation of the CIPS project. This […]

Constitution of the Fiscal Council of BiH – in September


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – Constitutional conference of the Fiscal Council of BiH will be held in September, has been said by Lazar Prodanović, vice chairman of the commission for Finance and Budget of the Parliament of BiH. This Council will take on responsibility of agreeing the state and entity budgets.  “The House of Representatives and […]

Strike of civil servants will begin on 15th of September


Dnevni avaz: Great number of civil servants will go on strike in mid September, since that is the only remaining legal way for employees of state institutions of BiH to express their dissatisfaction over previously adopted Law on salaries of civil servants. This has been said on the press conference by Neđo Đurđić, president of […]

Without canceling changes of vehicle registrations


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – Agency for implementation of the CIPS project has repeated the contest for procurement of registration plates, stickers and other materials for changing vehicle registrations, has been confirmed yesterday in the Agency. Siniša Macan, director of this Agency, has said that this is not going to cancel the process of changing vehicle […]

BiH needs urgent Public Administration Reform


Dnevni avaz: The results of the poll published yesterday at the Dnevni avaz's web portal , show the attitude of the citizens that Public administration Reform must be implemented. On the poll question: Is it necessary to implement Public Administration Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina?, citizens answered as following: YES – 85% NO – […]

Meeting of the ST for Information Technologies


Meeting of the Supervisory Team for implementation of the PAR Strategy Action Plan 1 for the area of Information Technologies, with the following agenda: 1. adoption of the Minutes from the Supervisory Team meeting  held on may 20, 2008; 2. discussion on Project Fiche and Terms of Reference for One Stop (pilot projckt of the […]

UN Public Service Day


The UN General Assembly, in its Resolution 57/277, designated 23 June as Public Service Day (A/RES/57/277). The UN Public Service Day intends to celebrate the value and virtue of public service to the community; highlight the contribution of public service in the development process; recognize the work of public servants, and encourage young people to […]

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