Same salaries and social giving in next year


Oslobođenje: The Federal Government has yesterday confirmed and by an urgent procedure sent to the parliamentary procedure the proposal of changes and amendments to the Law on Pension and Disability Insurance. By confirmed changes it has been regulated that the rights from the PDI also achieve the employees insured by special regulations in the Federation […]

New plates from March 2009


Dnevni avaz: Even though it has been planned that a replacement of the registration plates in BiH start at the end of this year, the term has been moved, so the new plates will not be seen on vehicles before March 2009. This has been said for “Dnevni avaz“by Dario Bušić, chief of the Department […]

Contribution on gross salary bigger by 2.6%


Nezavisne novine: The National Assembly of the RS has yesterday adopted the Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on Tax on Income by which a particular rate of 8% for taxation of individual incomes, has been introduced, and the Law on Contributions by which the total summed rate of the contribution on gross […]

International Conference on Public Administration


On December 3rd and 4th, the International conference on public administration and administration reform will be held in London. The goal of the conference, which will gather the representatives of governments and the state officials from the whole world, is deliberation on the challenges which the public administration faces in its efforts to improve efficacy, […]

Seminar on impact assessment in the EU


From 3rd to 5th December this year, in Brussels will be held a seminar “Impact Assessment in the European Union”. The goal of this seminar is that participants better understand why the impact assessment is becoming one of the important parts of policy making and legislative processes in the EU. Organizer of the seminar, at […]

New website of the city of Banja Luka


Nezavisne novine: A new official website of the city of Banja Luka has been promoted yesterday in a town on Vrbas. New website of the Administrative service of the city of Banja Luka will in the next month be in an experimental phase. “By being directed by the needs of a final user, the new […]

Application form from CIPS is also needed for a tax card


Dnevni avaz: Less than a month from beginning of application of the Law on Income Tax, by which the existing system of taxing salaries and cantonal regulations on taxing the incomes of citizens, is being totally abolished. The list of documents required for getting a tax card, has finally been correctly defined. Divorced parents For […]

Budget 1.67 billion KM


Oslobođenje: The proposed Draft budget of the Republic of Srpska for 2009 is 1.670.000.000 KM and it is bigger by 6% in relation to the rebalance of the budget, has been notified yesterday by the Minister of Finance of the RS, Aleksandar Džombić. Pensioners go to the CourtThe Association of pensioners of the RS will […]

Average expenditure 1.541 KM


Nezavisne novine: The residential household in BiH during 2007 has been spending around 1.541 KM per month, has been notified by Zdenko Milinović, director of the Agency for Statistics of BiH. “The sum is different in different geographic regions and it is around 1.318 KM in the District of Brčko, over 1.364 KM in the […]

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