Visit of Ambassador Peter Bas-Backer, Senior Deputy High Representative in BiH, to the PARCO


Mr. Peter Bas-Backer visited PARCO, on the 05.04.2007, and together with his associate Mrs. Margriet Prins held the meeting with the state public administration reform Coordinator, Mrs. Nevenka Savic and the Deputy, Mr. Suad Music. The goal of the meeting was the deliberation of previous and future activities in the area of public administration reform […]

Srdja Vranic interview for FENA Agency


Public administration reform in B&H is long-lasting and complex process, and within its scope B&H has to reach adequate administrative structures, which is one of the prerequisites for joining the EU. In the interview for Federal Press Agency (FENA), B&H Coordinator for public administration reform Mr. Srđa Vranić is talking about significance, goals and possible […]

PAR Conference – Mr.Adnan Terzic speech


Dear Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen I am pleased to welcome all the present and to have an honor to celebrate, together with you, the results of our determination, which dates since 2003., to set Public administration reform as a priority. That is the reason why this document has a huge importance in starting of one […]

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