Initialling of the Stabilisation and Assotiation Agreement


Nezavisne novine SARAJEVO – BiH and the European Commission initialled the Stabilisation and Association Agreement yesterday. European Commissioner for Enlargement, Olli Rehn confirmed that signing of this Agreement would ensue after the authorities of BiH implement the Action Plan for Police Reform, ensure the progress in the Reform of the Public RTV System, Public Administration […]

Officials in Brčko are not to be paid


Nezavisne novine BRČKO – Supervisor for Brčko, Raffi Gregorian, banned yesterday the payment of salaries to the officials of the Government and the Parliament of the District, because the MPs, even after six days did not manage to adopt the budget for the next year. As it was communicated from the OHR, Gregorian did it […]

Workshop on Performance Accountability and Integrity


The World Bank Institute (WBI) in partnership with the Government of Austria and BiH Council of Ministers will conduct a Workshop on Performance Accountability and Integrity. The Workshop will take place in Mostar, on December 4-6, 2007. This workshop will introduce participants to performance-based accountability and oversight when there is no bottom-line.  Participants will share […]

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