Countries of the region have initiated the mutual approving of the faculty degrees


In the organization of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the European Integrations of Croatia, the Regional Conference on European Integrations, has been held in Zagreb on November 17 and 18. The goal of the conference was the exchange of experience of countries of the South-East Europe and their individual achievements in a sense of […]

Swedish Ambassador has visited the PARCO


The Swedish Ambassador, Bosse Hedberg and the director of the Swedish Agency for International Development (SIDA), Anders Hedberg have today visited the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, where they have talked with the State Coordinator, Nevenka Savić and the representatives of the Office about the progress in implementation of the public administration reform in BiH. […]

EC: Progress in the public administration reform


The European Commission has in the report on progress of BiH in 2008, presented today in Sarajevo, graded the evidenced progress in the public administration reform, which is one of the key priorities of the European Partnership. The Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, stands among the rest in the report, has made a significant progress […]

New issue of publication of the ReSPA


The Regional School for Public Administration (ReSPA), has announced the fifth issue of publication on events in the public administration in the region of Balkans. In this number the following topics have been elaborated: brief overview of the public administration reform in BiH programs of training on the European Integrations in Croatia middle-term plan of […]

Scanners that undress the passengers: Yes or no?


The Germans for now are not going to introduce the scanners which detect if you carry forbidden things to the plane, because those scanners are undressing you up to your naked skin. The German Minister of Foreign Affairs, Wolfgang Schaeuble has refused the initiative of the European Commission, around which the several previous days a […]

The Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office supported the project “Volontiraj – kreditiraj 2008”


The Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office in BiH has supported the project “Volontiraj – kreditiraj 2008”, whose organizer was the Association of citizens Info house. Two high students of the Second Gymnasium Sarajevo have yesterday switched their class schedule with one working day in the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, where they have been introduced […]

Third Annual ReSPA conference has been held


The third Annual conference in the organization of the ReSPA on the theme Coordinating accumulated volume of regulations, has been held in Belgrade on 23rd and 24th September. Theme of the conference is a logical subsequence of the previously held conferences which have been dealing with the question of significance of the good democratic administration […]

Transparency International: BiH on the 93rd place


Investigations of the Transparency International (TI) performed the previous and this year on the rate of corruption in 180 countries of the world, have shown that BiH takes the 93rd place.  “BiH is facing again the droop on the scale of Index of perception of corruption and now with the grade of 3.2, it takes […]

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