System of previous warning


In a frame of the multi-year project “System of previous warning” which is being realized by the developmental program of the UN (UNDP) in BiH, fourth quarterly report – December 2008., has been published. System of previous warning contains key diagrams of condition in BiH in domain of political stability, trust in work of institutions, […]

The Public Administration Reform Fund – example of good coordination by donor funds


On April 2nd and 3rd, this year in Tirane has been held a Conference on donor coordination in the countries of west Balkans and Turkey, at which Aneta Raić, representative of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office in BiH, has talked about work of the PAR Fund.   “The PAR Fund represents an example of […]

Proposal law on prohibition of discrimination has been determined


The Council of Ministers of BiH has at today's session determined the Proposal law on prohibition of discrimination, which will be delivered by the Ministry for human rights and refugees to the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH to deliberation by a primary legislative procedure.    By the Proposal law there will be established a frame for achieving […]

Declaration on good administration


In the Official Gazette of BiH, no.19/09 has been published the Declaration on good administration, which has been adopted by the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH at the last year's October session. The House of Representatives has expressed the support to a sustainable development of the institutions of administration, which are […]

Public administration, protection of living environment: Experiences of Greece in the EU


At the working meeting of the chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH, dr. Nikola Špirić and Prime Minister of Greece, dr. Kostas Karamanlis, which has been held in June last year in Greece, it has been agreed on strengthening the cooperation between these two countries and especially the exchange and transfer of experiences […]

Valentin Inzko nominated to a function of the High Representative


At the meeting held today in Sarajevo, the ambassadors of the Management board of the Peace Implementation Council have officially nominated the Ambassador Valentin Inzko to a function of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Management board believes that it will have a good cooperation with the Ambassador Inzko after he takes over a […]

Eighth session of the PAR Fund Management Board has been held


At the session which has been held today in Sarajevo, members of the Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund, besides others, have anonymously approved the Terms of References “Budget management information system” from the area of Public Finances. The goal of this project is increasing the effectiveness of the budget management by creating […]

Meeting of Society of Practitioners has been held


From 26th to 27th February, 2009., in the UNDP BiH in Sarajevo has been held a fourth meeting of the resource group of the regional project "Society of practitioners in the area of human resources management", which gathers representatives from structures of the civil service in countries of region. The Public Administration Reform Coordinator's Office […]

Notification on the service procurement


The Public Administration Reform Coordinator's Office has announced the notification on procurement of consultancy service for creation/revision   of the Communication strategy of the Council of Ministers of BiH, entity governments and the Government of the Brčko District of BiH, and for realization of the project "Strategic communication”. Tender documentation for the phase of pre-qualification can […]

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