Abolishment of European visas for BiH by the end of this year


The agreement to abolish European visas for BiH citizens by the end of year and strengthen representation of the Union in a way that the Office of the High Representative becomes the EU Delegation, has been reached in the EU, has been said by the chief of the Slovenian diplomacy, Samuel Zbogar. After the session […]

Federal Administration for Inspection Affairs starts using “e – administration”


Today, in the Federal Administration for Inspection Affairs building in Sarajevo there will be presented and put in function software system of "e-inspection". This is the system of electronic management of documents and processes in inspection supervision. The project will implement the unified and complete infrastructural software solution, which will improve the work of all […]

Meeting of the Supervisory team for „Improvement of Rules and procedures for Legal, Other Regulations and General Acts Drafting in BiH“


Meeting of the supervisory team for the implementation of Action Plan I Public Administration Reform Strategy in B&H for Improvement of Quality and Procedures of Drafting and Enactment of Regulations with the proposed agenda: 1. Adoption of the minutes from the previous meeting of the Supervisory Team 2. Analysis of work of the Supervisory Team […]

Workshop „Legal obstacles to investments in Bosnia and Herzegovina“


Workshop „Legal obstacles to investments in Bosnia and Herzegovina“ will be held on June 30 and July 1 2010 at Hotel Terme in Sarajevo. Workshop is organized by German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation (IRZ), Association for Promotion German-Bosnian Economic Relations and German Association of Lawyers. The aim of the workshop is to assess  the […]

The seminar for training managers


The seminar for training managers will be held form 28 June to 2 July 2010 in Tirana and it is organized by the European Institute of Public Administration. The seminar is intended for human resources managers. The effective management of training is an important pre-condition to get a maximum benefit for the performance of the […]

Training about management performance for civil servants from Republica Srpska


Training about management performance for civil servants from Republica Srpska will be held in Banja Luka from Juny 21-24 2010 and it is organized by Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office in cooperation with Djikic Consulting Service which is also implementator of project “Development of a system for performance management structures in the civil service in […]

The seminar „Planning and Implementing Communications & Lobbying Campaigns“


The seminar "Planning and Implementing Communications & Lobbying Campaigns“ organized by ReSPA will be held from May 31 to June 04 in Skopje. The lecturers are comomunication experts from Netherland and Belgium with highly interactive approach including form of relevant discussions, simulation excercises and feedback sessions. The practical focus of the seminar will include drafting […]

United Nations Public Service Award in the Barcelona


On the occasion of the celebration of the United Nations Public Service Day, the „UN Public Service Award" and a forum on "The Role of Public Service in achieving the Millennium Development Goals," will be held in Barcelona from June 21 to 23. The General Assembly, by its resolution A/RES/57/277, designated 23 June as the […]

The educational conference PROACTIVE 2010


The sixth Educational Conference PROAKTIVE 2010, organized by Prime Communication Agency will be held from May, 27 till May, 29, 2010 at Kozara. The aim of thi sconference is to promote a public relations as a crucial management function in the companies, organizations as well as establishing professional standards in quality communication with all audiences. […]

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