The seminar „Planning and Implementing Communications & Lobbying Campaigns“


The seminar "Planning and Implementing Communications & Lobbying Campaigns“ organized by ReSPA will be held from May 31 to June 04 in Skopje. The lecturers are comomunication experts from Netherland and Belgium with highly interactive approach including form of relevant discussions, simulation excercises and feedback sessions. The practical focus of the seminar will include drafting […]

United Nations Public Service Award in the Barcelona


On the occasion of the celebration of the United Nations Public Service Day, the „UN Public Service Award" and a forum on "The Role of Public Service in achieving the Millennium Development Goals," will be held in Barcelona from June 21 to 23. The General Assembly, by its resolution A/RES/57/277, designated 23 June as the […]

The educational conference PROACTIVE 2010


The sixth Educational Conference PROAKTIVE 2010, organized by Prime Communication Agency will be held from May, 27 till May, 29, 2010 at Kozara. The aim of thi sconference is to promote a public relations as a crucial management function in the companies, organizations as well as establishing professional standards in quality communication with all audiences. […]

Seminar „The Treaty of Lisbon”


The Directorate for European Integration, within cooperation with the Institute for Public Administration from Luxembourg, financially supported by the Government of Luxembourg, organises 2 one day seminars ”The Treaty of Lisbon” The seminar will be held on May 20 and 21st, 2010 in Sarajevo and will provide broader insight into the process of enactment of […]

Procurement notice: Project “Training of Civil Servants for Application of Information Technologies and Work on Computers”


PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REFORM COORDINATOR'S OFFICE PROCUREMENT NOTICE SERVICES Section I: CONTRACTING AUTHORITY I.1. OFFICAL NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTING AUTHORITY Organization: Public Administration Reform Coordinator's Office Contact person: Aleksandar Karišik, Svjetlana Bošnjak Address: Vrazova 9 Postal code: 71 000 Town: Sarajevo ID number: 4200334950020 Phone: 033/ 565-776 Fax: 033/565-761 E-mail:, URL: I.2. […]

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