Proposal law on prohibition of discrimination has been determined


The Council of Ministers of BiH has at today's session determined the Proposal law on prohibition of discrimination, which will be delivered by the Ministry for human rights and refugees to the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH to deliberation by a primary legislative procedure.    By the Proposal law there will be established a frame for achieving […]

119.6 million KM has been paid in the budget of the BiH institutions


Dnevni avaz: The Central bank of BiH (CB-BiH) has yesterday sent 119.6 million KM into the budget of the BiH institutions on the basis of the Decision on division of a part of clear profit, which has been achieved in 2008. As it has been stated in the announcement, the CBBiH has in 2008. achieved […]

Real cutting of expenditures at the end of April


Oslobođenje: With 39 votes for, 13 against and two reserved, the House of Peoples of the Parliament of the FBiH has yesterday by the urgent procedure adopted the proposal changes and amendments of budget of the FBiH for 2009. If the Government's proposal gets accepted next Tuesday by the House of Representatives, this year's budget […]

Each third citizen uses Internet


Nezavisne novine: Each third BiH citizen has in 2008. used the internet, which is the increase of about 30% in relation to the last year, shows the data of the Regulatory Communication Agency (RAK). According to this data, there were 1.307.585 internet users in 2008., or 336.163 internet subscribers. Total of 66 internet service providers […]

No results – no money


Nezavisne novine: The Council of Ministers of BiH has not approved the payments of remunerations for 18 commissions formed in last and 2007., because some of them did not even submit the reports on work or have not done the job for which they have been established. Even though this question has been found on […]

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