New issue of publication of the ReSPA


The Regional School for Public Administration (ReSPA), has announced the fifth issue of publication on events in the public administration in the region of Balkans. In this number the following topics have been elaborated: brief overview of the public administration reform in BiH programs of training on the European Integrations in Croatia middle-term plan of […]

Budget is being reduced by 350 million KM


Dnevni avaz: This year’s budget of the Federation of BiH will be reduced by about 350 million KM, has been said yesterday for our paper by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance of the FBiH, Vjekoslav Bevanda. “Restructure of the budget is in the process. If we do not succeed to end this job […]

Remunerations ensured for the parturient women


Nezavisne novine: The Council of Ministers of BiH has yesterday obligated the Ministry of Finances to ensure the right on remunerations to all parturient women from the FBiH who work in the institutions of BiH, has been announced after yesterday’s session.  In the same time, the law suit against the lower levels of government which […]

Totally public work


Nezavisne novine: By the new proposal of the Law on the Government, the Government of the RS will be in obligation to totally ensure the publicity of work, has been stated by Stojanka Ćulibrk, Deputy Minister of administration and local self-governance of the RS. She has at the yesterday’s press conference said that this means […]

Code of Conduct has been adopted


Dnevni avaz: The Code of Conduct of ministers and delegates has been adopted. According to it, ministers can be penalized by a written or public warning or financially by a half of ministerial flat rate, or 420 KM, for inappropriate behavior or dressing, jumping into the words of colleagues, reading newspapers or conversation over the […]

BiH receives 300 million Euros


Dnevni avaz: The European Union has clear intentions to contribute more money through the European banks in different projects in BiH, by including the big infrastructures, has been confirmed yesterday in conversation for "Dnevni avaz" by Dimitris Kourkoulas, the chief of the European Commission Delegation (EC) in BiH.   Liberation from the VAT Kourkoulas has […]

180 million Euros for the highway


Nezavisne novine: The representatives of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of BiH and the European Bank for Renovation and Development (EBRD) have signed yesterday the contract on loan of 180 million Euros for building four sections of the highway on the corridor 5C through the FBiH. Money from the credit which the EBRD has […]

Suggested abolishing the VAT on the Pre-Accession Assistance


Nezavisne novine: The Fiscal Council of BiH has yesterday recommended to the Management Board of the Indirect Taxation Administration (ITA) of BiH to abolish the obligation of paying the VAT on funds from the Pre-Accession Assistance of the European Union, has been confirmed after the session by Nikola Špirić, the chairman of the Council of […]

Agreement for ratification of the SAA


Dnevni list: The House of Peoples of the State Parliament has accepted the conclusions related to fulfilling the obligations from the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA). According to one of the conclusions, the Parliament obligates the Council of Ministers of BiH to deliver to the House of Representatives and the House of Peoples for deliberation, […]

Going into fast reforms of social sector


Dnevni avaz: The Federal Government, because of reduction of pressure on the budget, more just and more rational distribution of the funds to those whom the assistance is mostly needed, and prevention of negative reflections of the global economic crisis, must go into the fast reforms of social sector. This has been said at the […]

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