BiH has fulfilled 13 out of 30 conditions


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – BiH has fulfilled only 13 conditions from the list of 30 short-term priorities on basis of which the European Commission will grade this year’s progress of our country towards the membership in the European Union. This has been stated in the report on realization of priorities, which has been adopted by […]

Third Annual ReSPA conference has been held


The third Annual conference in the organization of the ReSPA on the theme Coordinating accumulated volume of regulations, has been held in Belgrade on 23rd and 24th September. Theme of the conference is a logical subsequence of the previously held conferences which have been dealing with the question of significance of the good democratic administration […]

Krunić: More women needed in administration and judiciary


Nezavisne novine: Bosnia and Herzegovina will by 2010 need to adjust the Election Law and process with the Law on gender equality and CEDAW convention, referred to wanted standards on gender equality in political and public life, says Spomenka Krunić, director of the Gender Center of the Government of the Republic of Srpska. She says […]

Proposal of changes of the Law on citizenship of the FBiH has been confirmed


Dnevni avaz: The reason why on the initiative of the Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs, has the Government of the FBiH yesterday confirmed and by the urgent process sent to the parliamentarian procedure the Proposal of Law on changes and amendments of the Law on citizenship of the FBiH lays in the competency of regulating […]

Stronger efficacy for credit abolishment needed


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – Nikola Špirić, chairman of the Council of Ministries of BiH, has yesterday in Sarajevo with Marco Mantovanelli, the chief of the Office of the World Bank in BiH, spoke on the status of the project which has been financed by this institution, and it prepares the annual meetings of the World […]

Invasion on the internet site of the BiH Parliament


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – Internet site of the BiH Parliament has been destroyed yesterday by the second time in the last two months, has been confirmed in the Parliament of BiH and the company „Enigma“, which maintains the official internet presentation of the Parliament of BiH. „The web site of the Parliament of BiH is […]

Transparency International: BiH on the 93rd place


Investigations of the Transparency International (TI) performed the previous and this year on the rate of corruption in 180 countries of the world, have shown that BiH takes the 93rd place.  “BiH is facing again the droop on the scale of Index of perception of corruption and now with the grade of 3.2, it takes […]

Data exchange again from October


Nezavisne novine: BANJALUKA – The exchange of the Land Registers between the entities could be continued already in October, one month after the federal Prime Minister, Nedžad Branković has decided to abolish the further exchange with the RS. This has been promised yesterday by the entity Ministers of Justice Džerard Selman and Feliks Vidović, who […]

Rebalance will not reduce the social giving


Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – In frame of rebalance of the budget of the FBiH for this year, which should for the session of the Government of the FBiH be prepared by beginning of the next month, the salary and giving for social categories will not be reduced. This has been said yesterday by Emir Silajdžić, […]

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