The Open Government Partnership has published a National manual – Rules and Guidelines for participants to help reformers in governments and civil society better manage the OGP process. The manual talks about the roles and responsibilities of key actors in the open government process; it details the co-creation requirements, describes the action plan rules and necessary co-creation templates, focuses on the implementation of the Action plan, describes accountability and information delivery processes, and provides minimum participation requirements and guidance when countries are deemed to be acting contrary to the process.
You can download the manual here https://www.opengovpartnership.org/documents/ogp-national-handbook-rules-and-guidance-for-participants-2024/.
The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is based on the idea that open government is more transparent, participatory and accountable to citizens, and that improving the relationship between people and their governments has long-term benefits for everyone. Cooperation between government, civil society and other participants (eg. citizens, local authorities, parliament, academics, private sector, etc.) is at the heart of the OGP process.
Bosnia and Herzegovina is currently implementing its second Action Plan for the implementation of the OGP, and all activities must be implemented by the end of August 2024. One of the institutions that fulfills the measures from this plan is the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office.