The round table to support the implementation of the activities of the Action Plan of the Strategic Framework for the Reform of Public Administration in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the reform area service delivery within the measure related to the coordinated improvement of the administrative-legal framework was held on Thursday, 06/08/2023 in Sarajevo. Experts from SIGMA and participants from the administrative bodies in Bosnia and Herzegovina had the opportunity to exchange experiences in creating a catalog of services and simplifying administrative procedures. The exchange of information about the realized, planned and ongoing activities in this area was the basis for discussion, as well as for making proposals about the way in which the work on the realization of these activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina will continue.
Considering that the continuous process of simplification of the law on administrative procedure in Bosnia and Herzegovina represents the basis of digital transformation, this measure foresees the activities of simplifying certain administrative procedures, the formation of registers of special administrative procedures, i.e. special procedural norms that govern the exercise of concrete rights of citizens, the establishment of an IT platform for monitoring the implementation of the law on administrative procedure in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the development of a methodology for the reduction and formalities, the development of a catalog of services, and the activities of continuous capacity building of administrative procedure managers.
The catalog of services of the administrative bodies of Sarajevo Canton “Digitalization and digital transformation” was presented as part of the presentation of the representative of the Institute for Informatics and Statistics of Sarajevo Canton.
Experiences were also presented in the review of formalities in the Single Contact Point for Business https://pscsrpska.vladars.net/sr in the Republika Srpska, review of the project for the development of the publicly accessible internet portal of the e-Government of the Brčko District of BiH https://euprava.bdcentral.net/, experience in establishing an interoperability framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina within the presentation of representatives of the Agency for Identification Documents, Records and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina (IDDEEA), and experience in creating a catalog of the Republic Secretariat for Public Policy of the Republika Srpska.
The participants of the round table were representatives of SIGMA, Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, the Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Agency for Identification Documents, Records and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Institute for Informatics and Statistics of Sarajevo Canton, the Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development, high education and information society of the Republika Srpska, the Ministry of Administration and Local Self-Government of the Republika Srpska, the Ministry of Economy and Entrepreneurship of the Republika Srpska, representatives of the Government of Brčko District BiH, UNDP and USAID e-Government project, and a representative of Transparency International BiH.