For the first time, BiH has an established missing infrastructure for unhindered provision of full transaction services the administration provides to economic operators and citizens with assistance of innovative information and communication technology. This is only one of the results of the project “Implementation of Common Services for e-Services”, which officially ended today.

“The possibility to be provided with a service from the domain of public administration through your computer or smart telephone is no longer a curiosity and a science fiction, but a need and a necessity”, pointed out Dragan Ćuzulan, public administration reform coordinator.

The functionality of the infrastructure was verified also on the pilot services certain institutions at the level of BiH, the Federation of BiH, the Republic of Srpska and the Brčko District of BiH are providing.

“So, in the Brčko District of BiH, it would be possible to implement the whole process of application and completion of the employment competition for the institutions of the Brčko District of BiH electronically. At the level of the Council of Ministers, an economic operator will have a possibility to submit an electronic request for the services from the domain measurements, make payments of necessary fees electronically and receive necessary specific decisions and official documents to their address. In the FBiH and the RS pilot services have been implemented in the competency of land registry administrations and register of real-estate, so after logging in the system and submission of the request, it would be possible to male electronic payment of fees, receive documents on certificate of property, a copy of a cadastre plan, etc.”, said the state coordinator.

This is all possible with the help of the system developed by this project at the central points of contact situated in the secretariats general of the Governments, and by integration with databases and systems of the pilot institutions that keep data. The project also designed the portals related with every day events and conditions of the citizens and businesses for the administration level of the FBiH and the BD BiH, where together with the portals for the level of the CoM BiH and the RS, the platform for offering e-services to the end users, from the unique locations of these administrative levels would be rounded, in accordance with their competences.

“Implementation of common services for e-services”, by the number of users is the most complex project of e-services, by which the King ICT, together with the consortium partners Lanaco and Lirex, continues active participation in digital transformation of the BH society”, said Adis Pobrić, director of the KING ICT d.o.o.

He added that the pilot services would enable economic operators to more quickly and in a simpler manner reach the necessary information, and the public administration to have a more transparent manner of work, and he invited the institutions at all the levels to join and use the services from this project, and the competent ministries and governments to ensure in the future the conditions for upgrade and maintenance of the system.

The amount of BAM 1,129,000 was spent for implementation of the system itself, and BAM 456,041 for procurement and delivery of the equipment. The money was provided from the Public Administration Reform Fund. Soon, the first effects of this system would be visible, through use of the pilot services developed for the institutions, while the full effects would be visible in the future through a more massive use.