Project number:
Project name: Enabling Labor Mobility Activity (ELMO)
Short description: Through its ELMO project, USAID working with local counterparts to reduce barriers to labor mobility in BiH and ease the fiscal burden on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) by promoting flexible and diverse forms of labor relations and agreements. ELMO aims to transition to an electronic reporting and recording of individual work history and associated wage and contribution data. Increased labor mobility and flexibility through market-friendly collective bargaining practices is another objective of USAID assistance. By upgrading the inspection capacity of select labor inspectorates ELMO will support local counterparts to foster a more effective compliance and enforcement of labor obligations.
Project Area: Human resources/Information technology
Donor: USAID
Implementing organization or partner: Bearing Point
Implementation status: Completed
Duration: May 2006-May 2010
Total Budget (€): 8,473,381.00 (USD 12,000,000.00)
Budget by years of implementation ($): 2005 2006


Contact person for Donor: Kasey Vannett, USAID Sarajevo – Hamdije Ćemerlića 39, 387-33-702-300,