On April 24 this year, Darko Kasap, coordinator for public administration reform, participated in the work of MoStart – the second international conference dedicated to digitization in education and the application of artificial intelligence methods.

On the panel “Public administration reform – electronic registration of business entities”, Kasap emphasized that public administration reform is a complex process that involves the involvement of a wide range of participants, and that there are many challenges in the coordination of public administration reform, for which Public Administration Reform is responsible, and until more recently it has been political leadership over the process itself.

“In the last two months, this obstacle was removed, and in February 2024, the Coordinating Committee for Public Administration Reform was held and chaired by the Chairperson of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Borjana Krišto. In addition to her, the Board consists of the prime ministers of entity governments and the mayor of Brčko District of BiH. The work of this body represents a key mechanism for accelerating activities in the field of public administration reform,” said Kasap.

BiH Minister of Justice Davor Bunoza spoke about the goals of public administration reform, their measurement, and obstacles in the implementation of the reform. Vedran Škobić, Federal Minister of Justice, spoke on the panel about the implementation of electronic registration of business entities at the ministerial level, and about the laws that regulate the process of electronic registration, as well as about plans for harmonizing legislation in this area with European norms. One of the panelists was Almir Badnjević, director of the Agency for Identification Documents, Records and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

MoStart, the second international conference dedicated to digitization in education and the application of artificial intelligence methods, was held in Mostar from April 24 to 26 this year.