Dnevni avaz: The Federal Ministry of Justice, with the guidance of Feliks Vidović, in cooperation with the Civil Service Agency in the FBiH, has prepared a new issue of the Publication for taking the general knowledge exam.

This will be a third issue of this Publication in last five years. This is a fact, which reveals how big the interest is for this Publication, but as well as the fact that it is very well done and very useful for those, who plan to get a job in civil service.

The authors of Publication are Izmir Hadžiavdić, Goran Šimić, Dr. Enver Išerić and Ivan Matešić. As it is being talked about it, authors have tried hard this time to make this Publication encompass all actual changes in legislation at all government levels in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is a subject of the Program for taking the general knowledge exam.

By considering the fact that the Publication has encompassed all regulations, which regulate the status of civil service and civil servants in the FBiH, authors point out that it is a useful device for all the employed in civil service.

Publication will be possible to find in all departments of the Civil Service Agency in the FBiH. This agency has five departments: in Sarajevo, Mostar, Livno, Zenica and Tuzla.